Chapter 22

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Mitch realizing what he done quickly pulled himself away from Lainey. He bounced up from the step and backed away to the door " I shouldn't have done That" he shook his head

Lainey stood up "it's okay" she nodded

"No, no it's not"

"Mitch" Lainey smiled "its okay, I wanted it too"

"No!" Mitch raised his voice "you are my job, you are my responsibility and I can't let things get personal with my job" he told her

Lainey crossed her arms jeer her chest and looked at him with raised brow. "I'm your job" she repeated in a mocking tone "wow, okay" she scoffed


"No, no" she shook her head "you have made yourself quite clear" she walked up the step and pushed past him to get back inside

"Lainey" Mitch  followed her "that's really not what I meant" he whispered quietly to reassure that Stan wouldn't hear them

Lainey stopped in her tracks, she turned and stared at him "please Mitch enlighten me in what you meant"

He sighed "I just meant.." he paused "I was assigned to your case and-... and when this is closed I will be assigned to another one" he explained

"Whatever Mitch" Lainey rolled her eyes "it's fine, I'm your job and you can't kiss me" she nodded
"Now if you excuse me, I have to try de- riddle my husbands quotes" without giving Mitch another chance to defend himself, she walked back inside. She headed towards the kitchen so she could sit with her thoughts and try to remember what she said years ago. She walked in sat down on the chair letting out a huff

"You okay?" Stan asked as he walked over to the coffee pot

"You really care?" Lainey asked. She quickly realized it was rude of her "sorry, that was rude" she apologized

Stan chuckled lightly "don't worry about it"
"So you know where he is?" Stan asked

She shook her head "I'm trying to remember ever saying something like that but It must have been such a long time ago"

"I'm sorry about what you had to do In there" Stan apologized. He wasn't much of a man for saying sorry, but watching Lainey describe the most important person she lost in her life. Along with many others He too would admit, it took a lot for him to care for someone else's problems, but seeing her go though such a heartbreak today, made his heart break for another soul

"I just.. I couldn't tell him over the phone. I guess a small part of me would take pity if he had to find out like that" she admitted "god that must make me a horrible person"

Stan swallowed his coffee and looked at Lainey with a small smirk "Not one bit" he shook his head "it makes you a decent  person" he replied

Lainey let out small yawn. She hadn't gotten much sleep in that hospital, she was quite exhausted but never had the time to sleep anymore.

"You should try some sleep" Stan suggested

"Yeah except I'm literally the only person with an answer" Lainey pointed out

"Thinking on a tired mind is harder then thinking at all, Noah said it himself. He's not going anywhere so you should go and get some rest" Stan advised "besides, we can't have you getting sick again" he joked

She gasped  "that was not my fault" she held her hands up in defense.
She smiled "some would think you actually care about Me" she teased

"I care about this case" Stan corrected her

"Alright" she nodded "point taken. I will go get some sleep" she gave in


NLainey walked through the fallen winter leaves mixed with crunchy dying leaves, her husband trudging behind her with a struggled "Lainey sweetheart. Where are you taking me?" He asked

Lainey turned around and noticed he was bent over letting out short breaths "you okay?" She asked

He nodded "yeah, it's just a lot of hill" he breathed

"I'm taking you somewhere very important to
Me" she answered his previous question
She held out her hand and Noah walked over and took it, she turned and continued walking, pulling her fiancé with her.

After minutes of walking they reached the top. On it was an old house that was barely standing, the front of it cracked and chipped, covered in ivory leaves and moss. All the windows boarded up with old damp wood that was one more rainfall away from falling apart.

Lainey walked into the old house and Noah followed, inside the house had fallen apart more then the outside. The inside walked chipped away and damp, the stairs leading to the second floor barely standing. More leaves growing up the wall then what would he on a tree.

"Lainey.. where are we?" Noah asked

She looked around happily "my parents took me here, I used to explore it as a child. Every hole had a different story" she explained "my dad would make up the most amazing stories" she explained "It's beautiful in the way that it has fallen to pieces but still manages to stand" she quoted

Noah looked around at this place that made Laineys eyes light up, he took in a breath "hey mr and mrs cole!" He yelled "your daughter is amazing, I hope it's okay I marry her"

Lainey laughed at Noah's behavior, she loved That he wanted to make her happy. She loved that he loved her enough.

Noah grabbed Lainey by the hips and pulled her into his embrace, he kissed her slowly and she smiled happily.

Lainey eyes shot open and she sat up in her bed. She knew where he was waiting for her, somewhere no one else knew. She stood from her bed and walked out of the room, the house was silent. She walked down the stairs and into the kitchen where she found Stan

"Hey you're Aw-

"I know where he is" she nodded

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