Chapter 4

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Hours of silence had passed between the two, the only noise escaping their lips was the Sighs of boredom

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Hours of silence had passed between the two, the only noise escaping their lips was the Sighs of boredom. Night had fallen and Mitch thought it best to stay at a motel for the night.

They walked into the room they'd be staying in for the night, Lainey dropped her bag at the door and looked around "I'm gonna take a shower, you need to use the bathroom?" She asked him

"No I'm okay" he shook his head

Lainey nodded and walked into the small bathroom. She ran the water and steam slowly filled the air. She looked in the mirror and took her hair from the tie it was thrown into. She took off her jewellery and came to her wedding ring, she looked at it and still felt the love she felt the day it was put on her finger by Noah.

It was a small ceremony, just them and a few friends. His parents of course, but after a year of his death they stopped trying to contact her, everyone did. She shut herself away from the world, she was isolated and stayed that way till the CIA agent came knocking at her door.

She dropped the ring on the sink and stepped into the shower hoping she could wash down the drain.

Mitch took out his computer and sat down on the small chair in the corner of the room. He began to get some work done whilst Lainey was showering, hoping she would be awhile knowing the second she got out she'd have more questions.

Lainey stopped the water after 15 minutes of washing. She stepped out and wrapped a towel around her body, she looked around and realized she forgot to get her back from the door, she opened the door of the bathroom and walked out to grab her bag. Mitch looked up from his laptop and caught a glimpse of her.

"What?" She asked, "relax I'm not gonna flash you or anything" she joked before walking back into the bathroom.

She put her bag on the toilet and rummaged around for an old shirt to wear to bed, she grabbed one from the bottom of her messy bag and pulled it out. She threw the old shirt on over her bra and grabbed some loose pants.

She looked At her phone and seen it was low, she looked through her back and tried to feel around for her charger, hoping she didn't forget it. She felt something and pulled it out Her heart fell when she pulled out the pregnancy test she had hidden away in there. She had forgotten the details of how the test got in that bag. Assumed it was one of the drunken actions

She felt all the emotions wash over her once against everything always came flooding back without any warning, she felt her chest tighten suddenly and her breath hitched as she tried to breathe, tears filled her eyes as she attempted to not make too much noise. She took in deep quiet breaths and tried to breathe through her memories. She splashed the cold water on her face and it soon calmed her down. This happened often, she would find something and then her memories would flood in.

Lainey shoved the test back in her bag, she walked out of the bathroom and headed for the door to leave.

Mitch stood up and walked over "where are you going?" He asked

"For some air." She answered blankly

Mitch looked at her and noticed the fresh redness around her eyes "look you can't leave the room" he told her "I have to be with you 24/7"

"Oh come on" Lainey scoffed "it's a small motel where am I gonna go"

"It's late, just get some sleep," he told her

She rolled her eyes "Mitch I'm going out, I need some air" she declared firmly. She put her hand on the door handle to open it. Mitch quickly grabbed her wrist

"I said no"

She shook her head a little "what you think that's gonna scare me. The tough-guy act?" She mocked "I'm leaving This room"

"You can't" he shook his head

"Watch me," she scoffed and with her free hand she brought it and punched him in the nose. he let out a loud groan and quickly let go of her wrist. She walked out of the room not feeling an ounce of guilt for what she had done.

Mitch held his bleeding nose and cursed at the woman who had just left. He hated her, he hated her.

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