Chapter 3

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Mitch waited downstairs patiently for Lainey to pack her things. He already knew she was going to be a hard case, she was resistant to listen to anyone.. but of course, there was time Mitch Rapp was just the same.

Lainey shoved the last of her Things into her duffel bag. She zipped it up and looked over at the picture of Noah on her nightstand, she shook her head a little and wondered how he could be alive and never reach out, how he could live with himself knowing how much pain he caused her.

She swung the back around her shoulder and walked out of her room wondering when she'd be back, or if she'd be back. The house always felt so big for just her, it felt lonely without Noah and if she was being honest she wouldn't have cared if she had never seen it again.

She reached the bottom of the stairs and Mitch looked up from his phone "Where are you taking me?" She asked

"Virginia" Mitch answered

"What is he doing," Lainey asked

"What?" Mitch questioned

"My husband, what is he doing that's making him dangerous?" She asked again

Mitch looked at her unsure if she would want to hear it, going against his judgment he told her "He is selling dangerous weaponsm to terrorists" Mitch illustrated 

As the words fell from mitch's mouth Lainey felt her heart sink to her stomach, she could have sworn she heard her heart shatter. Her eyes filled with salty tears as she thought back to the day her life ended, and in a second her sadness switched to anger as she wondered how her husband could do such a thing to her. How he could leave her in such away.

She shook her head "This can't be happening he is supposed to be dead" she tried to convince herself.

She felt the anger inside of her build up as she thought about what he had done. How he had left Her, how he took everything from her in one day, all for one lousy business.

She paced around her kitchen and took in a deep breath as she tried to calm down

Mitch watched wearily as Lainey looked ready to kill someone. He couldn't help but feel sympathy for her, he knew what it was like to have the love of your life die in front of you, but he couldn't imagine what it felt like to find out they were lying all along

Lainey caught a glimpse of the picture she had of him on a shelf on the wall. She walked over and picked it up, without hesitation she smashed it against the ground, she let out a breath and looked up at Mitch who was looking at her slightly scared of what she would do next  "So where are going?" She asked as if nothing happened

"Virginia, we have to drive it's at least a two days drive," he told her

"Great" she sighed. She picked up her bag and grabbed the keys to her house on the counter. She looked at Mitch "let's go"


Lainey sat out in her back garden as the sun shone brightly against the world. She flicked through a magazine as she her skin tanned, the smell of a barbecue filled the air. Lainey sat her magazine down, she looked over and smiled at her husband who was insisting she kept her feet up, she was 4 months  away from her due date and he wouldn't dare to let her lift a single finger

"Can I help with anything?" She asked

He shook his head "Nope, all you need to do is sit a relax"

"I'm not bed bound you know. I can still do things" she reminded him

He walked over to his wife and picked up her magazine "you are gonna sit here and read your magazine, drink your lemonade and not lift one finger because you are still busy making a baby. So please let me to the rest"

She smiled at him "okay.. but sweetie, I have to pee. Your baby is sitting right on my bladder" she joked.

She stood up and dropped her magazine on the chair, she turned her back to head inside,  flinching when she heard the sound of a gunshot, she turned quickly and seen Noah laying dead on the ground. "Noah!" She cried and rushed over, as she attempted to turn him over another bullet was shot into her stomach...

Lainey awoke with a small gasp. She looked around and remembered she was in the car. They had been an hour on the road and Lainey had Fallen asleep about 15 minutes in.

Mitch looked at Lainey before looking back at the road. He assumed she had a bad dream which was why she woke up so quickly

Lainey wasn't sure what was happening, when she wished for her life to change she expected anything but this. How was she suppose to handle any of it, her life was crumbling.. again and last time she barley made it out.

"You got any water?" She asked

Mitch nodded and took the water from the vehicle door. He handed it to her and she pulled a bottle of pills from her bag, Mitch looked at her concerned about what she taking.

She noticed his side glances and rolled her eyes "relax, they are my anxiety and antidepressants" she told him. She dropped the 2 small pills into her mouth and washed them down with the water. "You don't go through hell and come out without being burned right?" She asked rhetorically

Mitch was silent, he'd prefer if she was too

She sighed "you got any music?"

Mitch ignored her question hoping she would be quiet, it would make this journey a hell of a lot easier.

"My husband used to have the glove compartment filled with CDs, he'd never drive anywhere without putting one on" she rambled.

Mitch bit his tongue not wanting to snap at Lainey, who seemed oddly calm at the moment

Lainey chuckled to herself "maybe he plays music when he sells his weapons" she joked

"Do you think this is a joke"Mitch snapped "this is serious, he could kill a lot of people with the weapons he's selling and the one he is on the brink of selling!" He raised his voice

Lainey looked at Mitch with disgust "you really think I find any of this funny?" She asked, "my husband died in front of me 3 years ago and now I'm finding out he's alive, how the fuck do you think I feel?" She asked, "my husband faked his death and left me, left me to grieve a loss, left me with no one in the world and you think I find it funny!" She yelled

"Well you are joking aren't you?" He asked

"I'm joking because if I don't, I'm afraid I might start crying and never be able to fucken stop." She confessed to him. "What you think I take those pills for fun, I'm depressed Mitch, I have been since he supposedly died and now I find out he put me through that for fucking money, joking is all I have" she argued

"and you, you don't know me. So don't for a second assume you know anything about who the fuck I am"

Mitch decided best that he didn't respond, Lainey made out good and clear how she was feeling and he wasn't exactly sure of what he should say. 

Lainey was more than pissed at life right now. She wasn't sure how she was going to survive the next 30 something hours with a person she most definitely did not like.

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