Chapter 12

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Lainey sat on the plane and stared out the window. The last time she had been on a plane was when she came back from Spain, with nothing but her grief.

So much had happened in the last three days, so much that Lainey couldn't begin to process. She felt like her life was turned upside down all over again, everything she knew about her husband was a lie; nothing seemed real anymore

Mitch walked over and sat beside Lainey "hey"

"Hi" she smiled weekly

"What you did back there it was-.."

"Insane" she sighed

"It was good" he nodded "you took control of the situation, you didn't back down even though you knew him" he explained

"He's was my best friend, he walked me down the isle.. he told us he were having a girl and he helped us pick a name. He was like my brother"

A moment of silence passed, Mitch wasn't sure what to say or now to comfort her; he barely knew her enough to form an opinion on her life

"What was your first case like?" She asked  "you don't have to answer to that If you don't want to" she followed

"It was surreal" he began.

And so he explained it all to her. He explained that it was his first ever case and he was done everything in his path to kill "the ghost" he told her all about the yacht and the bomb, about how pissed stan was of course. He explained that he was the only one to complete it, he told her he did it on his own without the permission of his supervisors. He explained the whole story.. but of course left out the part about his fiancé

"So on your first mission you stopped an atomic bomb?" She asked in disbelief of his story

"Yeah" he nodded "it was so crazy"

"I might sound crazy when I say this.. but these have been the most memorable days of my life. All be it they were shity.. I haven't lived like this in so long" she explained "I've spent every day of my life for the past 2 years hiding away from the world when really I've just been missing out on the living"  she expressed

"You definitely sound crazy" he joked

Lainey chuckled "any chance they will fund a new phone, listening to music always helped with my anxiety" she specified as to why she needed a phone

Mitch stood up and walked over to were his bag was. He opened it and routed around for something.
Lainey watched and wondered what he was doing. She watched him pull out his earphones and close the bag. He walked back over and sat beside her.

He smiled "I guess my music will have to go" he handed her an earbud

"Thanks" she smiled. She put the earbud in her ear.
Mitch pressed play on his music and rest his head against the seat. Lainey closed her eyes and without realizing, she let her head fall onto Mitch's shoulder.


After and exhausting 3 days they finally reached the safe hose in Virginia. Lainey looked around and felt slightly disappointed "So this is it, a cabin in the woods" Lainey asked looking around

"Yeah" Mitch nodded "But I was thought some valuable lessons in this place" He told Lainey

Lainey smiled "Well come on." She took his arm "I've got people to meet" she dragged him along

"Alright, alright" he followed her

They both walked in and people awaited there presence.

"Finally" Irene sighed walking over
"Irene Kennedy" she greeted holding out her hand

"Lainey Smi- Cole" Lainey corrected herself And shook Irene's hand.

"Correct me if I'm wrong but your file said Smith?" She asked

Lainey nodded "yes it did, but it's Cole. My maiden name is Cole and I plan on changing it back" she told irene

"Alright" she nodded "Well follow me" she said and walked down a long hallway.

Lainey and Mitch followed. Irene stopped and opened a door, the three of them walked in.
Lainey looked around the room. She seen a few men stood around a table, she looked over and seen a wall of screens. She had never been in such a room. A room full of video and computers .

"Wow" she sighed "This is a lot"

"It's everything we need to find the bad guys" Irene told her

"Look Who finally decided to show up" Stan remarked sarcastically as he seen Mitch and Lainey.

Lainey rolled her eyes in response She was exhausted to say the least. Every bone in her body ached and all she wanted to do was sleep for the next two days. She really didn't appreciate this mans tone at all

"Hi. I'm Stan hurly" he greeted

"I'm Lainey Cole" she smiled politely

"So anyone care to explain why it too so damn long to get her here?" He asked "and how she alone had managed to kill someone and interrogate the other" he added

"Ehem" Lainey cleared her throat. Stan looked at her unamused "she is right here you know ?" She asked

"It took so long because my husband had sent someone to find me.. twice - no thanks to yo

"How did you kill a woman without using a weapon

"I forced antidepressants into Natalies mouth whilst she try to strangle me" she explained "oh but I did have to stab her" she added
"Now can someone please tell me how the hell you plan on finding my husband" Lainey insisted

"With you" Irene looked at her "You're the bait. We have you we have him"she explained "who was the guy in the hotel room" she followed

"Dean McGuire, he was partners with Noah he helped set up that attack two years ago and he's been helping ever since." She explained

"Does Noah know he is in custody?" Irene asked

"Not that I'm aware of" Lainey shook her head

"Good we can use this" Irene nodded "Right now we don't know where he is but-"

"Do you have a burner phone?" Lainey asked interrupting Irene

She nodded "Yes. Why?" She asked

"I have a plan" Lainey told her

Irene handed her a burner phone and Lainey dialed The number she got off Natalies phone before destroying it

"This is Noah Smith. I will call you back soon"

"Noah. It's me Lainey" Lainey spoke down the phone

"dean found me he saved me those people. They were forceful they were gonna make me kill you but thank god for dean. Only the guy that took me he killed him but I ran, I need you to call me tell me where you are, I love you and I'm not mad I just wanna see your face again I wanna kiss your lips I wanna hear your laugh. I wanna know you're really here"

Lainey put the phone down and let out a loud sigh. Saying those things made her feel sick to her stomach, she never thought she'd feel this way about him. Yet she was full of hatred

"He might be a dangerous person but he is also gullible. Is there somewhere I can be alone" Lainey asked

"Yeah. Take her to a room" Irene Ordered one the men

Mitch put his phone on the table and let the recording play.

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