Chapter 23

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Lainey watched and laughed as Noah talked to thin air "baby what are-.."

"Shh, this is private" he joked

She smiled "I love you so much"

He nodded "Well after walking up that mountain you better"

She rolled her eyes "you are very dramatic" she told him

"Well that's gonna be your problem since you decided to marry me" he teased

Lainey groaned "don't remind me"

"Oh really?" Noah asked.

Lainey smiled and backed away carefully and slowly. She watched as Noah got closer and before he could grab her she ran from him, in a fit of laughter

Noah quickly chasing after her "you better hide soon to be wife!" He yelled as he chased her around the old house

"Come and get me, soon to be husband" she laughed as she ran into the kitchen.

Noah followed her, she stood one of end and he stood the other ready to grab her. "Hey what's that?" He pointed behind her

"Oh no, I'm not falling for that one" she shook her head

"No Lainey really, it looks like a.. spider" he uttered the words of laineys worst fear

She looked behind her and seen a small spider fall down from the wall on its web "ah" she squealed and ran over to Noah, he grabbed her and spun her around "I've got you now" he smiled

"Oh come on, you really used my worst fear against Me" she huffed

"Hey I have an idea" he told her "what If we get married here? He asked

She struggled from his arms and looked at him with seriousness "really?" She asked

"Yeah" he nodded "I mean we will obviously clean it up and make it habitual but it could work"

Lainey smiled "Noah, you are greatest man alive" she wrapped her arms around him

"It was this rundown house, in an old walkway in Chicago, my parents took me there all the time. It had been there since they were kids" she remembered "but I'm not sure where he could be" she thought back to that day

"Hey what's this?" Noah asked pointing to a door

"Oh it's an old basement, it's pretty stable down there" she told him

"The basement" she realized "there's a basement, it can be livable for a short period of time" she explained

"I'm gonna go get Mitch, you stay here" Stan told her. He walked out and Lainey stood in silence, her husband really went to the one place she had

Mitch stood in the gym taking out all his anger on the punching bag, his hands burning raw from all the punching he had done. He kept thinking of how he kissed Lainey and how he wanted to do it again.. he told her he couldn't because of work, but really he couldn't bare the idea of ever wanting another woman. He felt as if he was leaving Katerina, as if he was abandoning the life they had.
It was guilt, pure guilt that he would dare feel this way again. That he would have feelings for someone new, did that mean he didn't love her.. or that he liked Lainey that much.

The door creaked open and Mitch turned, Stan stood at it "she knows where he is, let's go" he pointed back with his thumb.

Mitch nodded and jogged over to him.

Lainey sipped on a glass of water as she thought of a plan against Noah, one she knew would have to work without getting anyone hurt.

Stan walked in with Mitch, and the 2 shared awkward glances back and forth "we need a plan" Stan told them

Lainey stood up from the chair "I have one, and it could work"

So she went on to explain her plan. Everything needed and everyone needed, she went through every detail and answered any questions asked. All she could do it hope that it would work and no one would get hurt

"That might actually work" Stan nodded "I'll go book a flight out to Chicago"

"Oh, I was wondering if you could get my house cleaned for any cameras and all that?" Lainey asked

"Sure thing" Stan nodded. He walked out and left Lainey and Mitch alone, the tension becoming rather thick.

"I better go back" Lainey spoke first. She walked out of the room hoping with everything in her that Mitch would follow

She felt a hand grab her shoulder and she turned quickly, smiling politely when she seen Mitch

"Lainey when I said you were my job I didn't mean it like that" Mitch tried to explain "it's just you.. I don't.. this is just"

Lainey put her hand out to stop Him and he sighed frustratedly.

"It's okay, I get it. I understand" she nodded

"Yeah but.." he struggled to find the words

She smiled "really Mitch, it's okay" she reassured "you got keep things formal. It's your job.. I'm your job"  She repeated what he said, but this time she didn't sound so mad about it.
"Now really, I gotta go back" she turned and walked away to her room.

Mitch left standing wondering if he made the decision he wanted, or the one he thought was better

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