chapter 16

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5 days had gone by and there was no news to be heard. As each day went by, Lainey felt one day closer to Losing her mind. She has spent the last 5 days staring at the 4 walls of her room whilst 2 men took shifts outside. All Lainey wanted to do was help, she couldn't help but wonder what was happening with Mitch, or rather why they hadn't called her yet

Lainey sat in her bed and flicked aimlessly through the channels in Hope that she would find something have decent to occupy her mind, after what felt like forever she gave up and left it on whatever channel it was on, she instead would have a shower and maybe she could wash the boredom away.

She walked into the bathroom and the towels that were in the room were damp and used from her last shower and thus the most riveting part of her day.. walking down to the front desk to request something.

She had done this at least 3 times already, 2 of those didn't involve anything actually being needed, she just wanted to get out of the room. Truth be told, the men in charge never paid much attention

She opened the door and walked out, of course not getting far due to the 2 men who watched her like a hawk.. or tried to.

She looked at them and rolled her eyes "I'm just going to some towels" she reassured them.

She quietly strolled down the hallways of the floor she was trapped on, the elevator dinging open just as she reached it, she stepped in, the doors slowly closed and she let out a loud sigh "I hate this fucking place"

The elevator dropped to the ground floor and Lainey stepped out. She walked over to reception "hi, could I get some fresh towels please?" She asked

"Of course ms" that man smiled and asked someone to get some. He came back moments later "Oh. Turns out there is maid up there already" the man explained

"Okay thank you" Lainey smiled and walked away.

Lainey walked back towards the elevator and the phone given to her, rang in her pocket

Laineys heart jumped as she wondered if it was about Noah  "hello" she answered

"Hey" Mitch spoke down the phone

Lainey couldn't help but smile at the sound of his voice "Mitchell" she exclaimed happily

"You will never stop calling me that will you?" He asked

"Nope" she shook her head "so, is this the "we caught your dead husband phone call?"" She asked

"No" he sighed "he ran Lainey, as soon as he seen us

Lainey let out a small breath at the news. She would have hoped it would be over by now "so what now?" She asked

"We use our last option" he replied "which is you" he added

"Okay" she nodded

The elevator opened on the second floor and someone walked in. Lainey gave a small polite smile to the woman. The woman smiled back and reached over pressing a button

"so what's gonna happen?" She asked

"Well, we get you back here and try work out a plan from there" he explained

"Great" she scoffed

"I'm sorry we didn't get him" Mitch apologized

"It's not your fault, I'm just tired of it"

The woman on stood beside her watched rather intently. She took a cloth from her bag along with a bottle if liquid. She quickly poured it into the cloth, making sure Lainey was not to see

"So, did you call me because you had to or were you actually concerned?" Lainey asked teasingly

"Maybe I was worried" he mumbled

Lainey smiled "I knew you'd miss me"

"Listen I wanted to talk about the other night" Mitch brought up

Lainey turned to the corner a little "yeah.. what ab-.."before Lainey could finish her sentence she felt a material cloth press against her mouth. She tasted the sour liquid on her tongue and fought for a second but her body gave into the toxins and she passed out in the woman's arms

"Lainey" Mitch said down the phone "Lainey!" He yelled


Mitch ended the call quickly and ran into stans room. Without warning he barged in

Stand shot him a glare "Hey a little priv-.."

"It's Lainey" Mitch exhaled "something happened"

Stan stood up "What do you mean ?" He asked

"We were talking on the phone and all of a sudden she stopped talking and I heard muffled screams" he explained

"Fuck" Stan muttered. He pulled his phone from his pocket and dialed the number of one of the men In charge of Lainey.


"Where the fuck is she!" Stan yelled "I left you in charge of her and you let her out if your sight" he yelled down the phone

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