Chapter 20

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Lainey sat in the hospital room with Ivs coming out of her from all directions, her body still aching with pain as she laid in the bed feeling as if the life was drained from her.

"You doing okay?" Mitch asked

Lainey nodded slowly "I feel like someone's drained me" she spoke slowly

The door opened and a female doctor walked in "so the results came back, you do have acute chloroform poisoning." She explained "you are really lucky to have to recognized the signs so early, it tends to start of as flue like symptoms and then progresses within days"

"How do you treat that?" Stan asked

"We are gonna start on some liquids through an IV just to keep you hydrated and then we will use a range of medicine including intramuscular penicillin, streptomycin, vitamin K and vitamin B complex.Followed by N-acetylcysteine which has been successful before" she explained
"I have to ask, how did this happen?" She asked

"I'll explain outside" Stan told the doctor. They left the room leaving Mitch and Lainey together, Mitch feeling bad for arguing so much with her.

"Lainey I'm sorry for being so mad about Noah" Mitch apologized "I know it's going to take a while to truly understand what's happened"

Lainey swiped her tongue against her dry lips "Mitch I do understand, a part of me was always going to love him."

"Was?" He asked

"He done some horrible things to Rebecca. He held her own child over her for leverage, everythings been a lie since he met me and after Hearing her story, I can't bare to think of him that way" she explained
"What happens now?" She asked

"Well, we get you better and then we find Noah"

Lainey winced as her stomach began to cramp "oh god" she breathed. Her mouth filling with salvia as she felt the bile rise in the back of her throat.

Mitch quickly grabbed the basin and handed it to her, she held it tightly as she retched up whatever could possibly be left inside of her. Mitch held her head back and tried to calm her as she did.

The doctor walked back in and Lainey looked up with tears eyes

"Is it normal for her to be sick so much?" Mitch asked

She nodded "It is a symptom. It's her body trying to get rid of anything bad"

Lainey sighed and let her head fall back against the pillow "I don't think I have anything left in me to throw up"

"I will need you to try and eat something soon, you are already severely dehydrated"

"Alright" Lainey nodded

"I called your next of kin when you came in" the doctor told her

"What!?" Lainey asked jerking up

"Who's your next of Kin?" Mitch asked

She looked down "Noah's mother"

"This might actually be a good thing" Mitch tried to a reassure

"That's the thing ms, she passed away a year ago"

Lainey looked at her with shock "how?"

"A stroke. I'm so sorry" she apologized

Lainey let out a small breath "how did I not even know"

"I'm gonna leave you two to talk, I'll be back to check on you In a little bit" she smiled before leaving.

"God I should have known" she shook her head

"What about his father?" Mitch asked

"No he died when Noah was a kid" Lainey told him. "I really am the only person he has left" she realized. She couldn't believe everyone in his family had died except her, she was the only hope of finding him
"I'm the only way of finding him"

"Hey no, don't stress yourself out. You need rest and right now you can't think about that" Mitch tried to calm her

"I wonder if she knew" Lainey spoke quietly
She chucked a little  "but then again Everyone knows more then me"

"If it makes you feel better, we don't know more then you" Mitch joked a little

Lainey cracked a smile "very funny"


Hours had passed and Lainey was finally starting to feel the treatment working. She still felt weak and tired but she was thankful the nausea had went away.  Stan had left as he had to finish doing other work and trying it find anymore leads on Noah, Mitch insisted he stayed to make sure she was okay.

She sat up in the bed as the doctor walked in " you have a visitor" she told Lainey

The door opened fully and Rebecca walked in. Lainey smiled happily as she seen Rebecca wasn't being hauled away to a prison "hey" Lainey smiled

"What happened to you?" Rebecca asked

Lainey held in a small laugh "you did"

"What?" Rebecca asked

"Your chloroform, I swallowed some. So now I have acute chloroform poisoning" she explained

Rebecca looked at Lainey and struggled to keep a straight face, she looked down and fell into a fit of
Laughter.  Lainey joining as much as she could, of course in a situation like this Lainey would laugh.

"I'm so sorry" Rebecca tried to contain herself

Mitch watched with a confused facial expression. As if it were the first time he heard laughter. He had never met someone that make such an awful situation laughable.. well anyone besides Lainey

Lainey let out a long happy sigh as she stopped laughing "so no jail?" She asked

"I have to leave the cia obviously but they are taking into account that I was coerced into it, but it's looking good for me" she explained
Rebecca looked over at the chair and noticed the rather fine looking man "you must be Mitch" she smiled

"You must be Rebecca" he returned a half grin
"I'm gonna go get a coffee, I'll be back"  he told
Lainey, Lainey nodded knowing he probably just wanted to leave the room without offending anyone.

As the door closed shut Rebecca gasped "he is fine" she teased "if you don't do something about it, I will"

"He's seen me vomit at least 6 times, any attractiveness has left the building... thanks to you" she joked

She nodded "Yeah, it was my first time sorry about that" she smiled a little
"So what happens with Noah?" She asked

"Em.. I don't know. Right now they are waiting for
Him to make the first move"

"I wish I was more help" Rebecca sighed

"We will find him, I won't let him get away with everything he's done. When I find him I swear on everything that I love.. he will regret everything he did" Lainey spoke with vengeance

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