Chapter 5

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When Lainey awoke hours later, her memory was fogged by the bright florescent lights of a hospital room; her mind struggling to recall the events that put her there.

As she tried to sit up, a reminding pain shot through her stomach, bringing back the memories her brain was so desperate to forget

She seen the doctor beside her "E-excuse me" she spoke up

"ms co mo te sientes" the Doctor spoke Spanish

"No hablo español" Lainey spoke the only Spanish she knew of

The doctor nodded and walked out. Minutes had passed and a lady walked in

"Lainey Smith. Right" she asked with a stony accent

"Yeah" Lainey nodded

"We managed to remove the Bullet. Luckily it didn't hit anything vital, unfortunately we couldn't save the baby" she explains

As the last words left the doctors mouth, her memories came washing over her like a tsunami.  She watched her husband get shot... and just like that she felt as if the whole world went silent and all she could hear was the sound of the bullets that took her family away from her. She blinked dryly and tried to process the news"Could.. could I see her?" Lainey asked

The doctor nodded and walked out of the room. Lainey sat in disbelief at what was happening. She was waiting for it to all he a bad dream.

The door opened and the nurse walked in with the baby girl Lainey was suppose to be bringing home, but rather she would be going home alone.

Lainey lifted the baby out of the of the bassinet and held her in her arms "hey beautiful girl" she smiled down at her baby "im so sorry" she cried "little Ella" she smiled

The nurse took the baby out of her arms and Lainey watched as she took her away

Lainey let out a loud cry "no!" She sobbed uncontrollably "I have no one" she cried painfully. She felt as she could No longer breath, her whole world had come crashing around her. She had no one

"You have me" someone whispered. Her head shot around and she send her husband standing in the distance "I'm not dead sweetheart"  He smiled "I'm alive" he whispered

Lainey awoke with a gasp, sweat dripped from her forehead and felt the all to familiar feeling of the her salvia pooling in her mouth, She jumped out of the bed and ran into the bathroom, making it to the toilet as the rest Of nightmare landed into the bowl

Mitch watched confused as Lainey bolted to the bathroom but soon understood when he heard the loud wretch come from it. He walked over and knocked lightly on the door "you okay?" He asked breaking their pacts of silence. Neither spoke since last night when Lainey punched her way out of his gripped.

Lainey let out a breath and flushed the toilet "yeah I'm fine" she lied.

Lainey ran the tap and took a swig of water swished it around her mouth before spitting it into the skink She looked In the mirror and felt her anger bubble in her blood. How could he do this to her, how could he let her live like this, why would he never contact her or even try to get in touch. He left her nothing but misery whilst he bathed in his own money

"Damn it!" She yelled, her balled up fist collided with the white steel of the sink; a blinding pain ran up and down her hand "fuck" she croaked, feeling the throbbing pain set in

Mitch heard the sound of her fist hitting against the steel sink, he also heard the wince that came after it and knew it wasn't good. He practically felt the pain himself, knowing he'd punched a few things that shouldn't be punched in his lifetime.

Lainey opened the bathroom door and walked out, she held her hand tightly and sat in the bed. Mitch walked over and took out some bandage from the first aid kit. "Let me see?" He asked

Lainey slowly laid her hand out on his. He looked down at her distended thumb "I'm gonna have to pop that back in" he told her

"Do it" she nodded

He took her thumb and held it tightly already Making her wince. Lainey closed her eyes and Mitch quickly popped it back into place.

"Fuck" the brunette groaned,

"Maybe next time, don't punch a sink" he advised whilst wrapping her hand in a bandage

Lainey rolled her eyes at his snarky comment. She sat and waited for him to finish with her hand so she could get changed. As he wrapped her hand in bandage for one last time, She was relieved with how it turned out.

"Could you pass me my bag?" She asked him

He nodded and grabbed her back from the chair, he lost grip and before he could catch it, it fell and things fell with it... one being her old pregnancy test

Mitch gripped onto the test and turne to face Lainey with a cold glare. His mind going all places as he considered she could he pregnant

Lainey stood up, a brow raised "Trust me, it's not what it looks like"

Mitch didn't take the chance to listen, he dropped the test and whipped out his gun in the seconds
"what the fuck is this?" He asked

She stood staring into the gun unamused by his hyperbolic behavior "if you put the gun down" she suggested

"Just start talking" he told her

"Well I'm not sleeping around if that's what you think" she joked a little

"Don't think I won't shoot you" he spat "Where is he?"

Lainey chuckle a little before her faced fell to a glare "First of all. I'm not scared of your gun, I know you won't shoot me and even if you did it would end a long list of problems I have - my dead husband coming back being one of them" she said,  "Second if you put the damn gun down I'll explain what you think you know which might I add you don't" Lainey explained

She sighed "so, which is it?" She asked

Mitch didn't respond, He was processing what she had just said. He tried to work it out in his head, but he was interrupted when he felt his arm twist and his body fell to floor. Lainey towered over him with a proud look on her face

She smiled "I thought you would know this rapp. Don't get distracted, makes it easier for the target to attack" Lainey advised looking down at him.

She stepped over him and set on the bed. He quickly got up and set on the chair across from hers

"2 years ago, my husband took me a on a trip to Spain. It was our anniversary and he wanted to treat me. I eh.. I was 6 months pregnant. We were at the bar and shots were fired all around, he told me to get inside so I did but I looked back and seen him get shot, I tried to run over to him but I got shot in the stomach" she explained "I eh... I lost her" Lainey finish. It physically pained her everytime she had to explain that story. Everytime she was back to that day and felt as if she couldn't breathe all over again

Mitch felt slightly embarrassed that he just as assumed she was pregnant, he never considered anything else . it was then he realized She had lost a lot more then he could imagine.

"Now can we not talk about it anymore, I relive it enough without explaining it. When are we leaving?" She asked

"Now, so pack up and we will get going again" he told her

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