Chapter 10

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Laineys eyes opened and she was met the pounding headache that came with a bottle of wine. "Oh god" she groaned. She had drank in over a year, she now remembered why. She sat up in the bed and Mitch walked into the room.

"I'm so sorry" Lainey sighed "If I said or did Anything-..."

"It's fine" Mitch nodded "I brought coffee" he told her before he walked into the bathroom.

Lainey yawned and got up from the bed. She walked over and took a coffee from the table. She sipped it and sighed happily.

Mitch walked out and stopped when he seen Lainey in a shirt of his and no pants on "is that..?" He asked

She looked down and noticed she wasn't wearing her own shirt "oh god" she groaned "I'm so sorry, I will go get changed now" she told him

"It's okay" he reassured "how did you-.."

"I thought it was Noah's" she looked down shamefully. She looked up and shrugged "I know he's a bad person but I miss him, not who he is now but who I knew 2 days ago" she explained

Mitch looked at her quietly. He knew what the missing felt like. He still felt it, he was just a lot more distracted lately.

"What's in the bag?" She asked changing the subject

"Oh, I got your pills" he told her

"How?" She asked

"I'm the cia, I can do a lot of things" he joked lightly

"Thanks" she smiled

"So do remember much from last night?" He asked

"I remember I left for 3 hours, I came back and opened a bottle of wine and I..." she drifted as she remembered telling Mitch briefing about the time she tried end things "I told you about the time I tried to.."

"You don't have the explain or anything" he told her

She sighed "I eh.. I was in a really bad place. It was about 5 months after Noah died and I couldn't take the grief, it was consuming me more and more everyday until I couldn't take it" Lainey explained "Noah's mother still checked in on me occasionally at the time and she eh.. she found me alone in my room with an empty bottle of pills" Lainey explained

"Wow" Mitch sighed "I eh.. I'm sorry"

"It's okay" she nodded "I'm.. better I guess. I still
Feel sick of the world sometimes but not enough to want to end things" she reassured

Mitch felt the need to share a story about him to make her feel less bad, but he only had one story and he wasn't ready to tell it yet. He never knew if he would be.

"I wish I could tell you something , I just have nothing to tell" he lied

"We all have a story Mitch. I know there's more to you then this cold front that you put up, but I'm sure it's there for a reason and I won't question that.

"we are more alike then we think" she smiled. She grabbed her bag and walked into the bathroom and Mitch couldn't help but watch as she did.

Lainey turned on the shower in the small bathroom and stripped from the old shirt and underwear she had on. She looked in the mirror and sighed a little. She didn't wanna admit it, due to the circumstances it was a rather odd thing to say but she couldn't help but slightly enjoy all the running around. She hadn't lived this much in a long time and it felt good to be out in the world again. All though she was aching from the walking and the fighting and couldn't help but feel guilt for a woman who tried to kill her, in some ways she felt fresh and new

She threw on a shower cap to keep her hair dry and stepped into the lukewarm shower. Feeling soothed as the beads of water ran down her aching body. She scrubbed herself clean of the alcohol she had drank last night and by the times she finished showering, she felt so much better.

Lainey walked out of the bathroom all fresh and clean and Mitch sat on the chair typing away on his laptop. Lainey packed away her things once again. "so who am I meeting, what are they like?" She asked

"Irene, one of my bosses is nice enough. She's a leader though, she gives the orders and doesn't expect any arguments from us. Stan who is another boss is an ass, but once you get to know him he softens.." Mitch explained "Just don't tell him I told you that" he joked a little

"So does that guilt of killing someone ever leave or?" She asked

"Eventually" he nodded "you just have to remember that they Are bad people doing really bad thing" he explained

"My husband is a really bad person doing really bad things isn't he?" She asked.

Mitch looked down and didn't respond to her question, not knowing how to, or what to say

"It's okay" she nodded "I have to accept the man I met when I was 18 is gone, I know Noah didn't really die but the version I knew did and that's okay" she reassured.

"Really?" Mitch asked

"Probably not" Lainey sighed "but I don't have a choice, he faked his death in the worse way and I can't ever love someone who does that" she explained
"So many people die because if terrorists and he took that and used it as an advantage. If someone can take something as horrendous as that and use it for their own good then they aren't worth the love someone can give" she explained

"Wise words" Mitch nodded
"can you take your own advice?" He asked "because things are only going to get worse, this was the easy part. Getting you was the easy part. Now we need you, we need you to help us find him and we have to know that you won't be a liability" he explained.

"I won't be a liability" she shook her head "I'm all in, I want him to be caught.. even if it means he dies in the process." She told Mitch "Ive already grieved his loss, all I'm doing now is catching a stranger who looks like him" she reassured, Mitch was hoping she could stick to her word.

She might have felt this way now but who knows what she'd feel tomorrow, her emotions towards the situation had been up and down. One minute she wanted him dead and the next she was trying it find any reason for his actions.

A ringing phone snapped Lainey out of her temporary daze. She looked in her bag and pulled out Natalies phone.

"Answer" Mitch nodded "just don't speak"

Lainey answered the call ""Natalie" she heard Noah's  voice
"Look I don't know where you are or what happened, but I've sent someone okay, I put a tracker in the phone and someone is gonna arrive at any moment"........

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