Chapter One: A Mistake

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Things had been just a little bit weird (shitty, so unbelievably shitty, worst thing to ever happen ever) since my alien abduction. One moment, I was on a run, listening to music, and enjoying the great outdoors. Next moment, I woke up thinking I had been captured, about to be sold into sex slavery. Then came the realization that, uh, it was so much worse. I was out in the vastness of space with zero survival skills, no understanding of the alien language, and no way home. Even if I could break out of the cell, what was I going to do? Fly a spaceship?

Yet, somehow, this next moment was still the weirdest, probably the worst, moment (mistake) of my life, surpassing the aforementioned abduction. This moment where I was straddling a humanoid alien, with blue skin, green eyes, and grey hair (not to mention, gills) and I've only just realized where I had heard his name before.

"My name is Kuzzon, by the way," he purred as he rolled us so I was under him. Kuzzon. Damps strands of grey hair fell down over his eyebrows. I wanted to push them back up. But, I had managed to connect the name Kuzzon, to Prince Kuzzon of the Royal Collective of Planets.

"You should spend the night. We could have more fun," he tempted. There was a brief pause between him speaking and my translator relaying the words.

"Unfortunately, I'm headed off-world, but this was fun," I responded. I tapped His Royal Highness of the Collective on the shoulder and he leaned back to give me room to slide out of bed. I started to search for my clothes and blaster. You know, things that I took off to fuck the son of the Grand Ruler. I pulled on the tight undergarments from the planet Kiri'ee. They were the closest items I had been able to find to a thong and sports bra.

"Off-world, where?" the Prince asked. He was now splayed out on the bed, muscled arms folded behind his head, silken blanket pulled low, just barely covering up his genitals. I bit down on my bottom lip, gave myself another glance at his abs, and pulled up the pants. They were woven and close to jean-like. They had side-pockets and were black. Socks and boots were next.

"Somewhere in the Cymeriane System," I lied. "I stopped paying attention to the Captain after he said the words 'night off.'" I looked around for my shirt and jacket. They weren't on the floor. Kuzzon gave a nod towards the clay lamp with gold detailing that had cast a yellow glow over the bed. Sure enough, there was my shirt on the lamp. My belt, with attached weaponry, had been kicked under the bed.

"Do you know where my jacket ended up?" I asked. I walked back towards the door to the Royal Suite of the Blytterin Casino, as the electronic plaque flashed in several languages. I glanced around the room and took in the finer details like the lamp from earlier and the soft bedding, the velvety curtain and the high view of the city instead of the space port. I had no idea how long I'd been in space but I was 24 when I was taken from Earth. I should have known better. Granted, I had been just a little distracted upon entering the room, and in the elevator on the way up to the room, and in the hallway next to the door of the room. On the floor of the bathroom was my jacket. I cheered internally. Now I had to fake my exit, pretend that nothing was wrong, and that I made excellent life decisions.

I walked back to the bed where one-night-stand was still laying. "Thanks for the truly excellent recreational sex." I kissed him again and tried to flee. Kuzzon stopped me at the door.

"Please remind me of your name," he flirted. "And while we're saying goodbye you should give me your com-frequency," he said with a smirk. The door was wide open to the hallway and the prince was completely naked. He had these pretty, purple, freckle-like, markings running down each extremity. They had glowed earlier when I had run my tongue over them.

"If you don't remember my name, then I'm not going to give it to you again," I said. I stood up on my tip-toes leaning into his body, flirtatiously. "As for the com-frequency, there's no way you're going to see me again, Prince Kuzzon." I fell back and stepped out of the room as he froze up.

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