Chapter 3

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Izuku POV

"Wah!! Mama!!" My voice hiccuped as I rubbed my eyes from all the crying. I hate coming here... I hate how Monoma would scare me and chase me everywhere I go. Why... why me? Tears continued to flow through my eyes and travel down to my face. I had to stop at a certain point or else I would be even more lost than I was before.

My eyes darted over a little circle, could it be an exit? I quickened my pace and went over to where the circle was, but all I found was a tree and a dead end. This is pointless, I'm never getting out of here!

Just then I saw some leaves fall down from the tree, huh? Why are the leaves falling? It's not even windy. I tilted my head up to find out what was making that noise, but all I saw was a shadowy figure. Looked like they-

"Your highness!" My eyes sprung open as I leaned forward in the bed and breathed heavily.

"Nighteye, don't you knock?!" I asked as I turned my head towards him.

"Yes, I do knock! You were just so sleep deprived you didn't hear anything. Now get up. We're almost there." He said in a stern voice and closed the door.

Great... just great. My hand reached for the blanket as I pulled the covers off of me and walked towards a barrel with some clothes left lying around. I'm gonna miss being on the boat. I was hoping I could jump off the boat and swim away, but I realized two things. One, it's too far away and I would be dead in the sea, and two is because I never learned how to swim. Bummer. As soon as I was done getting dressed, I walked out of my room and see everyone on the boat dashing around in a hurry.

"Whoa! What's up with them?" I asked as I walked towards Nighteye and Momo.

"Surprisingly, everyone slept in and I had to be the one to wake everyone up," Nighteye clicked his tongue to his teeth and pushed his glasses up a bit with his finger. "Seriously, don't they carry a pocket watch?"

"I don't think they do, besides pocket watches don't lie on the ground you know." Momo added, though I could barely hear her with all the shouting going on.

"Your highness! We'll be arriving in fifteen minutes tops." A sailor rushed over to us with him clinging some rope around his shoulder.

"Make it ten. We're already behind schedule thanks to your absurd drinking hazards. I may be accompanying the Yaoyorozu's, but I'm a man who doesn't want to keep others waiting."

"U-Understood, sir!" He turned away and ran back to his post to inform the others. I just gave him a deadpanned look as he looked through the agenda.

"Something wrong, Izuku?" Nighteye asked while still looking at the agenda.

"You didn't have to be so demanding, they're just doing their job."

"I know that, but one thing I despise is people slacking off on duty, if they get the work done, we'll be five minutes ahead of schedule." He lied about that part, he just wants to do some sightseeing.

The boat came closer and closer to the docks and they all hopped off the boat and grabbed the other end of the rope and pulled it towards land.

"Stay safe, Momo," Awase assured her as he hopped off the boat to join the other sailors. Momo waved at him goodbye as the board was set to help us walk off the ship.

As we finally arrived and off the boat, there was a man in a suit waiting by the dock, that must be one of the Monoma's servants. Nighteye put his hand up for me and Momo to wait before we went any further. He walked up to the man in the suit and talked to him.

They both quickly finished up their conversation and Nighteye said it was okay for us to go forward.

"Hello your majesty, we've been expecting your arrival." The man said as he bowed to us. "Head into the carriage and you'll arrive at the castle real soon." One at a time we entered our ride and I took a seat next to Momo. The man hopped on the carriage and allowed the coachman to give him the go ahead to go.

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