Chapter 9

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Izuku POV

Yesterday was... what did happen yesterday? Ugh! My head... What did we even do the other night? My eyes slowly fluttered open and I found myself in another room. I looked around to find it a mess. Monoma was keeping soundly on the couch with his mouth open. Huh... never knew that he drools in his sleep. That's going to be disgusting... Where's Shinso and Sero?

Loud snoring could be heard on the floor and I found Sero sleeping on top of Shinso with a bottle of wine in his hand. I'm not going to even ask how that happened. More importantly, why am I the only one in the bed?

'Ha Ha Ha *hic* don't come near my kingdom! For I am the king of the mattress, kneel before me!!'

Oh so that's how, huh? Was I seriously that drunk?

I puffed out a sigh and rubbed my tired eyes. I wonder what time it is. There was a little clock that made a ticking sound and I took it off the knight stand and squinted at it seeing it's 6:47. I see... It's almost morning.

Wait! Almost morning?! I was supposed to meet Bakugo at the village, and I had wasted my time sleeping! Okay calm down, I need to think about this situation. Looking at everyone else, they're all sleeping because we went overboard with the wine. As long as I don't wake anyone up, I can make it to the servant quarters to the village. Didn't he say I should bring a cloak? I'll pick something off while I'm sneaking out.

Okay! Now that I know what I need to do, I'm ready. Slowly pulling the covers off of me, I slid out of the bed as quietly as possible. Monoma's the least of my worries for now, I just need to make sure I don't wake up Sero or Shinso for that matter. After getting off the bed, my feet quietly tiptoed around them and I backed away slowly from them.

Thud! Oh shoot! I didn't pay attention to where I was backing up. The vase wobbled a little bit, but I caught it before it clashed to the floor. Looking back at them sleeping soundly, I let out a relieved sigh and put the vase back where it belongs. My eyes glanced at a vanity with some paper and ink on there. Maybe I should leave a note before I leave. I don't want them to look for me.

How long will I be gone for? I just can't write, 'Oh, I'm going on a run. I probably won't return till sunset. Be back soon!'. It won't work. So maybe if I... um... Lock myself up in the library to study? No... that will be the first place they look. Oh I got it! My hand reached for a quill and my other hand reached for paper, and started writing a plausible excuse. Perfect! I'll just... uh... looking around frantically, I carefully went over to Shinso, and laid the paper next to him.

Now, I can go. Whew! Crisis averted... while opening the door, it made a tiny creak sound. My heart pounded in my chest over the anxiety of this situation. Opening a gap that I can manage to squeeze through. Take a deep breath and stealthily move to the other side of the door and close it behind me. That was easier than I thought. All that's left is telling Nighteye about my excuse and I'm in the clear.

"And where do you think you're going at this time?" I spoke too soon, he's already here! Just relax, and tell him where you're going. I nervously turned around with a little closed lip smile and looked up at him.

"I uh.. am going to... to collect some data about the bugs and plants here." I replied and braced myself for his negligence.

"Hmm... Well, you don't have any plans for the day. You're mostly free for the first half of the day. How long will it take you to gather your data?" He inquired.

"Oh! Probably in the afternoon, sir!"

"I'll just put down 12:20 sharp. Don't be late, or else," he replied threatenly and continued walking down the other side of the hall. How is this going so easy today?! Is this the day where the universe isn't against me?! I must be dreaming... No! Don't think that and focus on the priority! I can't jinx this to myself or things will turn for the worse.

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