Chapter 18

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[Don't play the song just yet]

Bakugo POV

"Did I miss anything?" These extras are still looking at me with surprise, huh? Guess I made it just in time.

"Sir, may I ask what relation you have with them? If you have nothing to say, then I suggest you leave, so we can carry on with this wedding."

"Now, hold on a minute, Mr. Priest. I said that I object, 'if there are any objections for these two not to be wed. Speak now or forever hold their peace'. That's what you said. Therefore, I object that these two shall not be wed."

The old man scoffed and closed the book with his one hand, "And why is that?"

"Obviously, this isn't Prince Yaoyorozu's wish to marry Monoma. I'm pretty sure he knew about this marriage, but not poor Yaoyorozu. I think we should let him decide who he should marry," I stated while I remained in the same place.

"Hah?! This is ridiculous! You really think Izuku will choose a commoner over me?! Ha! I'd like to see you try," he crossed his arms and looked over at me.

Heh, alright, I'll do that. My hand reached from behind me and I pulled out a Latin guitar. Prince Monoma cocked his eyebrows and started to snicker at what I brought with me, then started laughing.

Some people joined in on his laughter as he pointed at me while still laughing at me. "Oh my... you wanna fight for his love? I'm sorry, but that's not going to help you win the fight," his hand reached for a sword by his belt and drew it out. "But, it'll be amusing. Let's fight!"

"This thing just started and I just wanna go home..." some purple haired guy uttered and closed his eyes.

That's not the reason why I brought this guitar with me. He waited for me to get ready for this supposed fight.

Play the song now!

I tuned some of the guitar a bit, trying to get it to play right. Strumming a few chords, and looking over at Izuku, "This one's for you."

"I love you too much, to leave without you loving me back..." the crowd started to quiet down and the room was silent. I then took a few steps forward and stopped for a moment. "I know I belong, when I sing this song."

Izuku looks slightly red by this, but not red enough. Okay... "I live for your touch, I whisper your name night after night, I love you too much. There's only one feeling and I know it's right. I know I belong.. when I sing this song..."

Some of the people looked at one another lovingly. Monoma looked frustrated by this while Izuku smiled at me, swaying side to side and listening, which made me blush, "To have you come here by my side..." I decided to take a couple steps forward while still playing the guitar, "Just to make you my own I will fight..."

I've waited a long time to tell you this. I couldn't be able to see you after that day I left a rose path. This is how you're making me feel about you. My little strawberry. I wanna see you look like a strawberry.

"I know I belong," suddenly my feet decided to move on their own as I rushed up to Izuku and dropped my guitar on the ground. I wanna sweep him off his feet..!

Izuku... "I love you too much! I love you too much! Heaven's my witness and this is a fact. You live in my soul, your heart is my goal." His face immediately turned super red like a strawberry. I took one of his hands and intertwined it with the other. "There's love above love and it's ours, if you love me as much..."

"Wha... Bakugo, did you really mean all of that?" He asked in disbelief as we kept our hands held with a firm grip.

"Of course I do, I meant every word of it, Strawberry."

The Broken Arrangement-Royalty AU(Bakudeku)Where stories live. Discover now