Chapter 27

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Carter POV:

The truck wasn't slowing down, it was heading full speed at me like a bull. A pissed off truck shaped bull.

I dodged the raging truck landing in the street.

What the actual fuck?

I got up and looked around for the truck, it had crashed into a ice cream place. I ran over to the truck wanting to see what idiot was driving. Grabbing the idiot out the car, I dragged him out. "What the hell, man where you trying to hit me?!" I yelled at the what looked like a teenager, telling by his insane pizza face. "I'm sorry! The breaks weren't working! I was supposed to meet a Rendels at the corner but I think I ran him over!, Oh man, I already have a suspended license, if the cops find the guys dead body I'll-" I slapped the guy to shut him up. "I'm Rendels, stupid." I sighed. "Do you have what I wanted to see?" I walked to the back of the truck. "W-Wait!" You're just going to look at it? Just like that?" The teen said worriedly. "Why wouldn't I?" I rolled my eyes and opened the back of the truck.

Selina POV:

Where the hell is Cater? The one time I look for this guy he's more invisible than air. "Carter!" I called looking around. No answer. Sighing, I looked around a bit more, not finding him anywhere. I gave up. I went to the cafeteria, noticing I haven't ate anything since this morning. When walking into the cafeteria, I heard obnoxious sobbing.


I saw her eating ice cream at a corner table alone. "Hey, Helen." I walked up to her, planning to set her straight and make her stop crying about my boyfriend. "W-What?" Helen looked at me with bags under her eyes. "Stop your crying. Mailik's gone, move on. I moved on." I told her taking her ice cream spoon. "Unlike you, I actually loved Mailik with all my heart and would never break up with him! " Helen stood, glaring at me. "It's your fault he's dead! If he stayed with me he would've been happy!" She yelled at me. I rolled my eyes. "Didn't he break up with you for me? So, if he stayed with you he would've been miserable." I stated. Helen cheeks flushed red with anger. "I hope you go to hell." Helen stormed out the cafeteria.

Fine, leave then. Leave. I got a poptart and sat down.

Unknown voice POV:


What am I going to do now. That drone got the guy I was supposed to help escape,Hammer won't be happy about this. Not one bit. I hope she doesn't fire me over this.

Grabbing my tech gear, I sneaked out the air vent and saw the car waiting for me. With a smile, I ran to the car, hopping into the passengers seat. "Lets go." I said kissing my drivers cheek. "As you wish." My driver drove off without trouble and to our base. There was a long silence till my driver talked.

"Did you save him? You're quite. You're usually quite when the mission was a failure." The said, not taking his eyes off the road. "Hm? Oh, I'm fine. Don't worry about me so much." I smiled at him, him keeping his usual straight face.  "You should smile more. " I poked his cheek. " I smile when there are reasons to smile, in this situation, of a failed mission there is no reason to smile." My driver explain sternly. "You need to loosen up also. Your tighter than your-" "I don't want to hear the end of that sentence." He interrupted. "..Ass." As I said that he sighed. I laughed.

Carter POV:

"This is the wrong body. Why the hell is this the wrong body?!" I shoved the kid to ground, pointing at the  dead girl in the back of the truck. "Does this look like Mailik Hill to you?!" The kid was trembling.l " I didn't see the body! I just drive the truck!" The kid was now crying. Whiny bitch.

My phone rang, I immediately answered, still pissed. "What the hell do you want?!" I yelled into the phone. "...Well fuck. Who pissed in your cheerios this morning?" Liz said sarcastically.  I sighed. "What do you want, Liz? I'm busy today. " I replied glancing at the crying waste of breath next to me. "I was just, thinking about how great last night was. I wondering if we could do it again sometimes soon." Liz asked with heavy lust in voice. Which, kinda turned me on. "Well, may-" My phone began to buzz as if I had another call waiting. "Liz, gotta go I have another call waiting, love you." I hanged up answering my next call. "Hello?" "Where the hell are you? I can't find you anywhere! I've literally looked everywhere!" Selina yelled into the phone. "Selina, calm down. I'm just hanging out with my friends today, no big deal. I'll be back soon." "Oh. Hurry back, I wanna try to practice with you. " Selina said. Did I catch a hint of something implied? Definately. "I will. Gotta go." I hung up and let out a long sigh.

I left the destroyed ice cream shop, pissed. The wrong body. Great. Couldn't get any better.  How could it get better? I sighed, got in my car and drove back to Shield. Arriving, I saw Liz waiting for me outside. Looking as gorgeous as ever.

I got out the car, a smirk growing on my face. "Well, what a nice surprise." I pulled Liz close by her hips, kissing the tip of her nose lightly. Liz smiled at me, with a adorable blush growing on her face. "I wanted to see you." Liz said pecking my lips with a kiss. "Wanna go out somewhere? Selina's inside waiting for me to train with her." Liz frowned. "I thought you were over her, I thought you already told her about us." I sighed. "I will when I get a chance. Swear." Liz smiled. "Good. Just to make sure, I'm the only girl you love. Right?" "Of course." I held Liz close and kissed her passionately.  

Selina POV:


“I will.Gotta Go.”


That was four hours ago. Where the hell is he?


I was sitting on the ground in the training room waiting for him. He should be here by now. How long can he hang out with friends? How many friends does he have? Bored, I relaxed on the ground.


“Is this how young midguardians spend their time? Lying on the ground? “ As I heard the voice, I sat up. I groaned. “What are you doing here, creep.” Loki looked baffled. “Creep? I assure you not I’m not creep. Just seeking entertainment only my, dull midguardian acquaintances can fill. “ Loki sat next to me. “I rolled my eyes. “Where are two male friends? The dumb one and the overprecatious one. I find them entertaining. “


Mailik, I’m assuming you mean him by the dumb one is dead. “ I think Loki was disappointed. “Shame. What about the overprecatious one? Dead also, I presume?” “I hope not. Carter is supposed to be meeting me here but he isn’t here. But he’s not here.” I said sighing. “For you, its best to give up all feeling of attraction for him. As we speak he is currently inside another woman.”


“What?” I said before processing what Loki said. “Carter Rendels is currently having seual intercourse with a woman.” Loki explained more in detail. “I don’t believe you.” I stood up. “He’s my partner, who ever he’s doing it with, I hope he is using a condom. “ I said, crossing my arms sighing.


That prick. Not that I actually loved  him. I’m just pissed he lied to me instead of showing up to practice. Being able to do our job is more important than a quickie.


“Would you care to travel with me, someday?” Loki asked pulling me out of my thought. “What you say? Sorry I was thinking.” Loki sighed. “ I asked you a question. Someday, would you care to travel with me, someday? “ I stared at Loki for a while.


Is he trying ask me out?

“Um.. Thanks for the offer. But no. You’re way too old for me and I don’t want to leave Earth. “ I said not making eye contact. I could tell Loki frowned. “Very well. Traveling with me would be something to broaden your mind. “ Loki said standing as well. “I”m good, staying on nice, oxygenated Earth. “ I stepped away from Loki, making him step closer. “Positive?” He questioned looking directly in my eyes. “Yep! I’m sure” I was now backing myself into the wall.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 22, 2015 ⏰

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