Chapter 17

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Selina POV:

"How about you call yourselves S.M.C.L?" Stark offered.

"S.M.C.L?" I asked before Carter could.

"S.M.C.L, Selina,Mailik,Carter,Liz." Stark explained. " It's better than the four horsemen, you guys do know their all guys right? And in the other version there's only one girl." Stark said in a 'Duh' tone.

"I like it." Carter said first. "I do to. It's up to you Selina, what do you think?" Mailik asked. " It's decided then, that's our name!" I did a fist pump making me punch the roof of the car. "Sorry." I apologised quickly."So, the other girl Liz right? I think I met her before I don't remember." Carter said.

We arrived back at Shield and went straight to my room and washed my hair till it was no longer blue. I also took a shower.

I put on PJ's and fell asleep faster than you can say hi.


I woke up to someone blowing a air horn in my face. I fell off bed screaming. " Happy birthday!!" The person yelled. I looked up to see it was Carter holding a present. "Thanks for the wake up." I said getting off the floor. "Welcome! Okay, hurry up and get dressed, change your heart and all that stuff and meet me in the cafeteria." Carter ran out the door slamming it.

What's gotten into him?

I put on my lovely Shield outfit and and a black reactor. I turned around to see Loki looking at me with his eyebrow raised. "When the hell did you get here!" I yelled at him making him blink. " I've been here the whole time." Loki said calmly. "Your such a pedo.You know that right." I said pushing Loki's chest. " I am not a pedo. I don't even know what that means." Loki said. I rolled my eyes. " Why are you here this time?" I asked sitting on the bed putting on my new Shield boots. " We need to discuss a battle plan." Loki said pacing. " If we attack him from behind it won't hurt him much. But if we attack from-"

"Hey,hey, hey we can discuss this later. Today's my birthday." I walked out the room. Loki appeared in front of me. "Happy day of birth." Loki disappeared.

I walked to the cafeteria and it was decorated with blue streamers and balloon's and a cake. "Happy birthday!" Everyone yelled. I couldn't help but smile.

"Do you like it?" Carter asked almost bumping into the cake. "I worked really hard on it." Carter said.

I raised my brow. "Really? Your a party planner now? What happened to the Carter that almost died?" I asked poking Carter's face. "He's still here, but right now your I'm in your dad's reach to kill me." Carter said making a few people laugh and made my dad cross his arms.

"Shall we eat cake?" I deep voice asked from the back of the crowd. "who was that?" I asked looking around like a bird. "Tis was I, lady Scarlet." Thor walk forward. "Scarlet?" I asked in a high voice.

Carter whisper yelled at Thor in a high voice. "It's Selina! You could just look up it's like on every streamer!" I laughed at Carter. I never heard his voice so high. "Okay then," Carter said taking a deep breath. "Let's eat cake!" Carter ushered me to the table and my dad lit the candles. "Uh, were's Mailik?" I asked looking around. "Uh! He's getting you a present!" Carter yelled before anyone else got to answer.

Mailik POV:

I shot the lock a few more times.

I can't believe Carter looked me in a cage on Selina's birthday.

I paced and looked around for vents or lose hinges and thing like that. I found a lose tile and found a letter. I picked up slowly and began reading.

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I can't believe he put me in here on my Maria's birthday. I hate Collin so much for this. When I see him I'll kill him. Maria is everything to me... I love her. I hope someone finds me soon. I was planning on proposing today, I'll never get that chance now. Collin Hill, if you ever read this, I hate you and I wish you would die the worst death anyone can have. My world was Maria, i will always love her. I will never forgive you for this. Ever.

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