Chapter 12

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Selina POV:

I opened the file and skimmed it. " You want me to have a total make over and go under cover as a......person working for Killian?! What about Mailik? Is he coming with me?"

"Mailik is not coming.This is the only-"

"Why can't he come! Tell me!"

"Because, this is something you need to do on your own."

Anger boiled up inside me."Will I still be able to talk to him?"

'No. You will be not able to have any contact with Shield."

"So, you want me gone!"

"I want you gone for mission.No other reasons."

"I-" I clenched my teeth and stormed out the room pushing Mailik out of the way.

" Selina! Wait!!" Mailik yelled chasing after me.

I ran faster and ran to my room and locked the door and I jumped on my bed and screamed into my pillow.

"This ruins my plans." Loki said sitting at the edge of my bed rubbing his forehead.

"You only care about yourself don't you!" I yelled at Loki.

" I care about other people."

"Really?! Name three!"

"Hela,Sleipnir and Jormungand."

" I'm not even going to ask who these people are."

"Good, I don't wish to tell you who they are."

I put my face back in my pillow.

"When you come back to Shield I'll be waiting. Loki disappeared.

Someone knocked on the door."Miss Fury! I need you to open the door! I'm suppose to give you your make over!"

I got up slowly and unlocked the door. The make up artist was a little bit taller than me with blue hair and black lip stick and a huge make up box. The girl ran and put the box on my bed.

"Close the door please I don't want anyone seeing you before I'm done."

I closed the door and walked to my bed and sat on it.

"Okay,I'm Katie. First I'm changing your hair."

I grabbed my hair."WHAT!! Your going to cut my hair!"

Katie nodded."Yep, and I'm changing the color."

"Are you going to change everything about me?"

"Yes, everything..Shall we begin?"

I nodded.

Katie pulled out a scary large pair of scissors."Okay, don't move."

Katie cut my hair a little bit longer than my shoulder. Katie looked in her box and pulled out a bag of hair die.

"Choose a color."

I looked at the colors.

Hm...What should I pick?

"Pick a color that you'd never pick.It'll make you look less like your self."


I looked a little bit more.

"I want this color." I handed the blue dye to Katie.

"Purple, nice choice."

Katie started putting the color all over my hair." So, I hope you like this."

I didn't say anything.

Katie backed away from me to look at my blue hair."It looks cool." Katie got a mirror out of box and showed me.

" I look so different."

"Next your eyes."

I froze." Your not going to use needles are you?"

"No! I meant contacts."

I sighed in relief. "Good. If It was a needle were we about to fight."

Katie laughed and pulled out three pairs of contacts."Theis's blue,green and hazel."


Katie put the hazel and blue contacts away."Do you know who to put them in?"


"Open the case, open your eye and put straightly on your eye."

I followed her instructions. "Do they look okay?"

"Yeah, These were made by Tony. You can't take them off until you return to Shield."

"Wait, Tony Stark?"

"Ya," Katie smiled."I forgot his last name."

Katie reached in her pocket."Eat this, it will change your voice."

I took the pill slowly out of her hand and swallowed it.

"Do you need water!"


"Say a few things."

"Uh... hi? Oreo, One Direction, Justin Beb-" My voice changed.It was a little bit lower.

"This voice is going to last till you step foot on Shield again."


"One last thing!" Katie got a bag of clothes out. "These are you new outfits."

"Thanks. I have a question."

'"Ask away!"

"Am I going to have to changer my name to?"

"Of course! A person named Mailik is in charge of that! My work here is done! Bye!" Katie packed all her stuff up and left the room.

Before I yell at Maillik I should get packed.

I packed my took brushes and my whole pack of Arc Reactors and other important things.Toothbrush,tooth paste, underwear, socks etc.

I gave my suitcase to my dad.

"Go, talk to Mailik. He'll give you your name."

I nodded. I found Mailk reading The Great Gatsby and sitting on the floor of the training room.

"Hey." I said lightly above a whisper.

Mailik didn't say anything.

"Your suppose to be in charge of giving me a n-"

Mailik shhh loudly at me." Let me finish my page before you get we get all sentimental."

I put my hands on my hips and waited.Mailik closed his book and stood up and hugged my to his chest.

"I'm going to miss you." Mailik kissed the top of my head.

"I'm going to miss you to.You have to choose a name for me."

"Mailik thought."Your name could be..."


A/N: HI CONTEST TIME!! What should Selina's name be?

1.Sarah Manning

2.Helena Michaelis

3. Rina Long

Contest ends next week on friday!!~

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