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Lauren's POV

My whole body is almost trembling and I can't think right at this moment. Straykids have finally arrived, not only in South Korean but I also heard that they're inside the company right now.

I refused to believe it at first not until Yongbok called me and told me to meet him later at the rooftop after their schedule.

I'm so excited to see him in person again. Slowly, I'm getting used having his presence close to me. I know that I shouldn't get used to it but I simply just can't.

It's hard to stop for wanting him more.

Having a mixed feelings inside me, I'm also confused. Should I ask him like what Haejin told me earlier?

I have never had a hard time like this because of him.

Lee Yongbok!!!

Brushing off the thoughts, I hopped inside the elevator and decided to go to the rooftoo first.

My schedules for today are done and I was about to head back to the dorm but my sunshine---ehem...my sunshine wants to see me and I have no intentions to refuse him to whatever he wants.

I arrived at our usual meet up place and noticed the sky that's full of shiny stars. Whenever we meet here, the sky always looks pleasing.

Does the sky is up for us?

I let out a laugh at the stupid thought.

My heart is beating crazily right now ofr ot excitement and undeniably, it feels really good.

I love how Yongbok makes me feel this way.

Closing my eyes, a wind blew my direction. There's a lot of thoughts inside my head that overwhelms me.

Yongbok went for Asian tour for two months. Had hectic schedule and barely have enough rest yet he still wants to meet me tonight even if he can ask for my time anytime he wants to.

When I say he's confusing me, he really is confusing me!! From the efforts his giving me to everything he does for me...I hope I don't fall deeper.

What stops me to ask him what are we? A lot.

There's a high possibility that I'm only misunderstanding him.

He's not the type of person who would hit with someone like this. I think Yongbok is not ready for that kind of things yet.

He's just 19, still a baby! His career hasn't been that long. Dating or having feelings for someone is surely not in his priorities yet.

What if he's just being friendly? He's naturally sweet. He's the purest and the most precious guy you would ever meet. Yongbok is the most innocent, I just knew he wouldn't be up for that kind of thing.

Ugh! Now that I think about it more, it becomes more confusing.

Is it all just in my head? Did I just got carried away and came up with that idea because I'm too overwhelmed that my ultimate idol that was only on the screen is now in front of me?

I'm just 18! I'm too young to be stressing out over something like this!

"You're thinking too deep. I think I'm gonna get drown."

I flinched when I heard a deep voice coming beside me.

His beautiful face with his bright smile is the first thing that welcomed me when I opened my eyes.

He's here, for real...

Shocked, I tried to move few steps away from him to make sure that's it's really him. I'm running out of breathe. I badly want to close the distance between us and hug him...really really tight.

 𝗜𝗗𝗢𝗟 𝗟𝗜𝗙𝗘 #01 - 𝙎𝙏𝘼𝙔 𝙒𝙄𝙏𝙃 𝙈𝙀 (𝑳𝒆𝒆 𝑭𝒆𝒍𝒊𝒙) [EDITING]Where stories live. Discover now