Chapter 6

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"I think I speak for all of us when I say thank you, night guards. We feel... New." Bonnie spoke gratefully. There were murmurs of agreement from the rest of the animatronics. "We must return to the stage now. Farewell, (y/n) and Vincent." The five of them scampered off to the stage and locked into place. Jeremy burst through the doors, breathing hard and looking around frantically. When he spotted you, he practically dragged you to the guard room. "(y/n), I know something happened. They aren't there." You shot him a confused look, but he saw right through it. "What happened to the ghosts? I need to know." You told everything from last night. He listened with a blank expression, nodding when you finished. "The animatronics wanted to be free, Jeremy. They needed to be free." He pulled you back to the party room, then ran to stand beside Mike.

You were still confused by his sudden outbursts that had been occurring since yesterday. You passed it off as nothing, looking away from his shy gaze. "Vincent, are we gonna go, or...?" You trailed off, waiting for an answer. He had a vacant look in his eyes, perhaps guilt or regret. He snapped back to reality when you squeezed his shoulder. "Hey! PG! You alright, man?" He nodded, grinning. "Let's go, (y/n)!" He pulled you along, the resteraunt doors slamming behind you.


Something is up with Jeremy and the others today. I wonder if I should ask... I turned to see Jeremy opening the doors. He was nearly trampled by the massive amount of kids swarming in. I let out a small sigh, going to turn on the animatronics backstage, but they were already up there, getting ready to sing. Curious...


It was a short ride home, and you invited Vincent inside. He went to the bathroom to wash up and wake up a little. You went to the kitchen, planning on making breakfast for the two of you. "Vinny, what do you want for breakfast?" You yelled, never turning from the cabinet you had stopped in front of. You felt arms wrap around your waist and a voice whispered softly into your ear. "Toast~"

You spun to look at him, eyes wide. A smile crept onto your face. "Oh my gosh. Vincent, do you have a fetish for toast!?" He glared, but he wasn't angry. You could see it in his eyes. "N-No!!" You broke away from him and grabbed the bread, still laughing. "How many pieces?" He sat at the table and mumbled. "5."

When you had tried to go to bed, Vincent got naked and flopped on it. You pushed him off and finally fell asleep. He fell asleep on the floor not too long after. Vincent was still asleep when you woke up and you kissed his forehead. Then you left him a note on the headboard and slowly and quietly crept out of the room, shutting the door behind you. You could swear you heard a small chuckle as you left. You had grabbed Vincent's uniform from the floor before you left, and went to wash both uniforms. Then you changed into sweatpants and a loose tshirt. You almost didn't want to go to work, but you remembered you were going to get paid tonight and better go in.

Vincent came out of your room, naked. "Hey, (y/n), got anything I can wear?" You nodded, your cousin had some clothes stashed in the closet for when he came over, like once a month. You passed him a red shirt and jeans. And of course, underwear. Then you pulled him to the kitchen/dining room and told him to sit. He looked tired, but was recovering quickly. "So, we have around 4 hours until we need to go to work. Wanna watch a movie or something?" His eyes lit up and he asked "Horror?" You smiled. "Yes, horror!" Then Vincent's phone, which was sitting on the couch, rang. It was the Jurassic park theme. You laughed as he fell out of his chair and scrambled across the floor to answer it. "Hello, hello! Uh, hi! Who is this?" There was a pause as Vincent frowned, and then glared down at the floor. "No. I don't want to talk, nor do I want to meet up with you. Got it? I don't want to hear from you again!! Just screw off!." He clicked the phone off and threw it at the couch. Then he walked back over to you, a small smile tugging at the corners of his mouth. You could tell what he was thinking. "Vincent, no. I don't care how horrible that person on the other end is, but you can't just kill because you're pissed off." He shrugged, still smiling. "So, who was that?"

"Oh, that was Sarah. She's my stepmom."

(((So sorry, I've been trying to update.)))

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