Chapter 15

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(((Surprised enough? Scared enough? don't think so~)))

You had fallen asleep wrapped in Vincent's arms, but woke up to a cold surface. When you sat up, you were on something hard. "Wha?" There was another bunk across the cell, 4 walls of metal, the floor made of tiles, and the last wall being metal bars. You stood up, surprised. You wore an orange jumpsuit. So did the other two people across the room. That purple hair... Vincent!! You ran over, gently shaking him. He woke with a start, thrashing until he landed on the floor. There was a small groan, and then a yelp of surprise. He saw you on your knees beside him. He brought himself to a sitting position. "Are you.. Are you okay?" You asked. His hair was down from it's ponytail, and he had a wild look. He poked around at his ribs, finally talking. He told you that they were fully healed. He also had a black eye. "Hey, what happened?" He frowned, motioning to the guard. "He tried to take you. So I broke his nose." The guard outside was watching Vincent carefully. "You fought the police? Really?"


"So... Why are we in jail?"

"Because you asked for me by my last name at the hospital. (y/n), I murdured children. What the hell were you thinking?" He was annoyed, not expecting an answer. You looked down. How could I forget something like that? You climbed back into your bunk, hugging the pillow the jail had provided. You heard shuffling behind you and felt someone crawl into bed with you. It was Vincent. He was holding you tightly. "I'll get us out of this. I promise." You snuggled into him, mumbling. "Okay."

You two were like that for a while, just watching the wall. You thought that maybe if you watched it long enough, you would be back in your bedroom, with your pajamas. You finally gave up 30 minutes later. You sat up, and Vinny sat up too, looking over at you. You whispered in his ear. "How are we going to get out of this mess?" He shook his head. "Death, maybe?" He joked around. You glared at him until the chuckles died down. "I can't help it, I'm insane." 

"Just look for a way out!" You whispered.

He looked around. He walked up to the bars. The guard outside just frowned, but remained silent. Until your idiot boyfriend grabbed on and rattled them about. He drew his gun. Vincent just chuckled, letting go. "Shut the fuck up, trigger-happy asshole." He cursed the guard out. You pulled him away, hissing in annoyance. "I said look for a way out, not get shot." Once the guard put his weapon away, Vincent stalked up to the bars, loosely holding on. "So, when's lunch?" He asked. You quickly figured out what he was planning. If he could slip out of the crowd and find a weapon, god knows what he would do, but it was a way out. "12:15." The guard's response was terse, and his tone was rude. Vincent leaned with his back against the door. "What time is it?" He was probably trying to annoy him, just get him riled up. "It's 12:03. Place your wrists through the door please. I should be cuffing you." Guards all along the hall were leaving with other inmates. Soon it was empty. Just you, Vincent, and some other dude who tried to refuse, but you could hear his stomach. He got up, letting the guard cuff him. While he was doing so, Vincent snuck up on the officer, putting the cuffs around his neck. He knocked the gun from it's holster and slowly choked him out. Then he grabbed the keys. "Don't fuck with us." He muttered. Vincent grabbed the keys and uncuffed you. You rubbed your wrists as he uncuffed himself and your cellmate.

"What's the plan?" The inmate asked as Vincent grabbed the gun and whatever ammo the officer had. "The plan? Kill as many people as I can." Your boyfriend smiled as Carl, your inmate, pulled out a shank. "Let's do it. Does lil girly over here need something?" He motioned to you. "No. She's going to run. Got that (y/n)? Find our stuff and then head to the warden office. Kill him. Silently. No guns. Delete any footage or paper records of us being here. Then find the news station. Do the same there. Nothing left behind. Got it?" You stared at the cuffs in your hand. "Got it."

"Let's kill some people."

You ran through the halls after Vincent, letting him kill off as many officers as needed. There was a passage you could get through. You went straight to the warden's office, leaving Vincent and Carl to the killing. You threw open the door. There was the warden. He turned around and drew his gun, stopping you in your tracks. Crap... Gotta talk him out of it. You crept closer. "The warden, must be a big role." You were getting closer. "You can't just let one inmate slip?" There was no persuading him. His eyes were dark and his gun was raised.



(((Cliffhanger much? I know, I know. You'll just have to wait! Hehe!)))

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