Chapter 20

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Thud. Thud. Thud. Thud. Thud.

Something was coming. Vincent grabbed you, pulling you behind him. The footsteps stopped. Then a face peeked around the corner. It indeed was an animatronic. To be specific, Chuck E, the mouse. "Rulebreaker. You will be returned to your suit immediately." The footsteps started again echoing through the halls. You ran right past it, Vincent following close behind. You both looked back, noticing something horrifying. The animatronics could run. And they were fast, too. You nodded towards the jungle gym. "Come on!" You yelled. The slide was the closest entrance, so you quickly scrambled up into the plastic tube. But you slipped, knocking Vincent down with you. You watched in horror as Chuck E grabbed Vincent's head and dragged him away. His eyes were flickering to and from black to white. He struggled to escape, but when you reached out to help him, he shouted. "No! Go hide!" Then the door closed behind him. You ran up and shook the door knob, but it was locked. You could only crawl under the slide and cry. You could hear Vincent's screams of pain as Chuck E did god knows what. There was no way to save him.

The screaming went on for hours, and Chuck E came out of the room to look for you. But you had blocked yourself in with the extra nets. You covered your ears, Vincent's whimpers shaking you to the core. They were growing weaker. Then a bell rang, it was 7:00 God, how long has he survived in there!? You fumbled with the netting, finally just breaking it. The noises in the supply room had stopped. "Vincent...?" You whimpered as you slowly opened the door. There were puddles of blood, and streaks leading behind some boxes. "Vinny... Oh god..." You followed the blood until you saw a Jasper Jowls suit, with blood in the fur. There was no mistaking it. Inside this suit was your love, your world, your everything...


(((No POV)))

Vincent had been rushed to the hospital for the second time in a week. There, they had done life threatening surgery and sutured multiple lacerations caused by wires that had pierced and ripped the skin, and cauterized veins that had been punctured. (y/n) Waited faithfully by his side for hours after surgery, crying every time she saw the bandages. It was a heartbreaking sight, seeing her love so pale and lifeless. She could only tell he was alive by the painful rise and fall of his chest. At 5:00 that afternoon, Vincent woke up, extremely disoriented and in a massive amount of pain. (y/n) was woken up by a doctor who was changing the IV bag. She saw her boyfriend had regained consciousness.

(((Your POV)))

"Oh my god! You're alive!" You grabbed his hand pressed it to your face. Vincent rubbed a thumb across your cheek, wiping away your tears. But he winced and tugged his arm back to his chest, curling into the fetal position and breathing heavily. "Are you alright? Do you need a nurse?" You asked. He shook his head and chuckled, still wincing every time he moved. "Just a little sore. Don't worry." You laughed. "'A little sore' he says. 'Don't worry', he says. Seriously though, be still. It'd be best if you saved your energy." Vincent uncurled. His eyes were black and filled with pain. You heard small cracks and saw Vincent twitch, but if you even touched him, it would stop. So you let the ghost child heal him. When he finally stopped twitching, a black mist rose and looked you in the eyes.

"Why didn't you save him before? Why couldn't you heal him before?"

"Something was blocking me out. 'It's not your territory', they said. I couldn't get in the building!" The child hissed at you, then her expression softened. "I have to go. Take care, (y/n)." The child went out the closed window and disappeared.

Vincent reached for you. You turned and grabbed his hand. "I'm in a SHIT TON of pain, but I think I'm all healed up. I guess there's nothing left to do but book it before they go asking names." You pulled him into a sitting position. But you could tell something was wrong. His legs were unresponsive. Vincent was trying to move them, struggling to make any movement at all. Nothing. "Next chance I get, I am SO dismantling Chuck E and his buds. The doctors must have done something in surgery so you'd keep still. I'm sure it will wear off. But you're not going anywhere until it does." He ripped IV tubes and heart monitors out. "Nonsense. I'm fine..." He stood up, trying to walk, but most of it was just him stumbling and hitting the floor. "No. Get back in bed. I want you to rest. I promise, I won't give them any names. But you're not fit to escape anything." He groaned in frustration. "Maybe we should have gotten a different job than this." He muttered. You looked at the clock. "I gotta go. I need to sleep in an actual bed before my shift tonight. I love you. Get some rest." You left the hospital, avoiding the nurses and doctors. When you finally got outside, you sighed, hoping tonight would be better than the last.

(((Timeskip to after dinner, your shift)))

You walked into working, singing softly and dancing a little. You knew how you could beat the rat animatronic now. Be absolutely quiet. You grabbed a flashlight and flashed it around. Okay, so you were a little late, Chuck E had started to move about. No big deal. You climbed quietly through the jungle gym, blocking off any entrances or exits with the extra nets. Then you pulled the tablet out of your backpack. You had brought a bag full of things you might need to last the night, considering you worked day and night shift. Plus a baseball bat. You muttered "Let's play ball..."

(((Alright!!! Looks like you're ready to f**k s**t up! Got your food, water, a hella lot of first aid supplies, and a baseball bat. Will you survive? Find out next time on Total, Drama, ISLAND!! Naw, I'm kidding. See you guys in the next chapter. 030 ~Tii.)))

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