Chapter 25

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Let's get into this bad boy, eh? Chapter 25, coming at ya!

It was Thursday night, and you had already packed everything you and Vincent owned into the car. You were terrified, not of Chuck E and his buds, who were trying to kill both of you, but because your house was burning down as you counted money with Vincent. He looked down at the pile on his lap. "We have enough to get by."

When you left in the morning, you would head west for an abandoned horse farm your grandparents owned. They had left it to you in their will. It was small, and you would fix up the place with all the things you needed. You grabbed Vincent's hand, gently squeezing it. He let you lean on his shoulder, whispering into your hair. "We can finally get away from this town, and live without fear of being shoved inside an animatronic suit." You chuckled. "I wouldn't bet on that. I just know it will come back to bite our asses one day." Vincent laughed back, nuzzling you. "Hey, we should get back to coming up with our new names. Grab your notebook, and I'll create names for myself." You grabbed your notebook from your bag, opening to a fresh page. "Lay it on me, Grape. Give me some good names." Vincent layed his head on your legs. He seemed thoughtful. "Here's a few I can come up with off the top of my head. David, Jay, Arthur, Erin, and being a complete goofball, Stickers." He looked up at you, smiling. "Stickers? What?" You asked. He shrugged. Then you two switched places with your head on Vincent's legs.

"Alright, gimme names." You were silent for a few moments. It would be hard to give up your current name. "Holly, Krista, Sasha, Max, and 'being a complete goofball, Potato'." You mocked Vincent. He fake pouted, and looked rediculous, having no pupils or irises. "We'll let our readers vote." (((Stop breaking the 4th wall, Vincent.))) "Let's pack up and wait. We only have about 5 minutes left until the the chimes go off. Mkay?" Vincent asked. You agreed, waiting anxiously, hand in hand.

5 more minutes until I might never see this town again. I'm gonna miss it. You thought.

You counted down the seconds with Vince.

5, 4, 3, 2, 1."


There was the bell. You climbed out of the jungle gym, a determined smile plastered to your face. "Its go time. Let's grab our checks and get out. They should be in boss's office." You ordered. You walked ran out to the car, throwing your bag in the back seat and getting in the driver's side. Vincent joined you shortly after. "Step on it. We don't have much time. Jeremy let the police go at 6:00. So they should be here soon."

"Yeah, just put in your damn contacts."

Vincent had gotten blue contacts, and very carefully put them in. "We're doing my hair at the farm, correct?" He asked. You nodded. You were driving the speed limit with a very impatient Vincent bugging you to go faster. "Vincent, the objective is to not get caught. You want me to ignore the law and do exactly what we're trying to avoid. Do you see the problem?" He fell silent after this, but he was still extremely worried. "Look, Vincent, hon. I know you're super freaked out and all, but we're going to be free. We're going to go somewhere where it's safe. Where it's peaceful. My grandparents left me this farm for a reason." He was unresponsive for about the next 100 miles. "How far away is it?"

"Um, only about 3 more hours. Its a 4 hour drive."

He looked out the window, thoughtful. "How about we get breakfast?" He asked. You nodded in agreement, searching for a place to pull in. You finally found a (favorite breakfast place) and drove up to it. "This will do nicely. We'll get breakfast, and then we're driving the rest of the way. We can eat when we get to the farm."

You both ordered food and talked while you waited. "So, what's it like?" Vincent asked. 'Well, I only ever go up there to feed the horses and give them excersise. But mostly the neighbor takes care of them. I pay him when I visit. The horses are Mountain and Dew. Besides the fact that there's horses as the farm, its a beautiful place. It manages to stay pretty clean by itself, as long as nobody goes screwing it up. You'll see later when we get there." Food was placed in front of you. "But my neighbor is old, as in, very old, and he'll pass soon. So he won't be around as much once we move in. He can go do old man things."

Once you and Vincent were done eating, you paid and and left. It was Vincent's turn to drive. You two were stopping every hour and switching roles. He would drive one hour, you would drive the next, and he would finish it off.

(((I'm not explaining what goes on during 3 hours of driving. So y'all can make something up while waiting for the next chapter! Also, vote in the comments on what you want your name to be, and what you want Vincent's name to be. You can't keep your original names. In case you forgot the names, here they are.

Names for Vincent

David, Jay, Arthur, Erin

Names for you, the reader

Holly, Krista, Sasha, Max

Have fun, and let the polls begin! Whichever names come up the most will be your new names, so get your votes in by Monday.

As always, have a lovely day, my space children, and I will see you in the next chapter! Bye!)))

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