Chapter 16

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(((Mother's name= (m/n))))


There was a steady drip from the wound in your chest. The bullet had come to a stop in your heart. Your eyes turned black as the bullet came back through the hole it had ripped through your flesh and muscle. There was a sickening squish and a small tink of the bullet hitting the tile floor. Then the wound closed itself. "Ow. That wasn't very nice." Whatever was taking care of you was controlling your speech. The warden fired more bullets, but you pushed on, reaching out to grab the gun. A child voice whispered in your ear. "When let you go, you'll be healed. But it will hurt. Be ready." You nodded, snatching the gun away. Then you shot the warden. He was killed instantly. The rest of your wounds healed and you almost collapsed when the ghost child left. Ow...

You burned the files. All of them. Then you busted open the computer. You set fire to whatever you could find within and then ran to find Vincent. All prisoners were in the cafe. What, were they... Were they dancing!? Every single person was uncuffed. And they all danced in sync, your crazy-ass boyfriend in the lead. But you almost wouldn't believe what was playing through the speakers. A remix of the Little Einsteins theme. "What... The... Fack." You watched. All of them. Dancing to a remix of a kid show.

Vincent saw you and pulled you over. "C'mon!" You had nothing else to do. So you began to dance, in sync with the rest of the inmates. You couldn't surpress your laughter at how childish you felt. But when you heard sirens go off somewhere outside the jail, the music stopped. "Vincent, we need to get out of here." He nodded, taking your hand and pulling you from the crowd of people to the entrance. You were outside in mere seconds. Then you two ran around back, where you and Vincent changed into the clothes you had on before you were put in jail. You in your pajamas and Vincent in his work uniform. It was a strange mix, but there wasn't time for complaining. Your house was miles away, so you called your mom to pick you up. You hadn't talked to her in a while and hoped she would be willing to help. She agreed. You met up at the coffee shop a few streets away. "Oh, (y/n)! How long has it been?" You mumbled "Only about a week. Thanks for picking us up, mom." She looked at Vincent, an eyebrow raised.

"Mom, this is Vincent." You hugged onto his arm, protective.

"Nice to meet you, Vincent. I'm (m/n)."

Vincent responded with a simple "Hi." You nudged him, but he was deep in thought. He climbed into the back seat, leaving you to the front seat. "So... He's the quiet kind?" Your mother asked. "Nah. Its just been a very rough morning for both of us." She nodded as if she understood. She obviously didn't. "So, have his eyes always been like that?" She whispered. It was a question you had yourself. Vincent's eyes were pure white, no pupils or irises. "I'm not sure..." He snapped to attention. "Actually, I was born like this. I can see perfectly fine, strangely enough. It still puzzles any doctor I happen to bump into." He looked at you from the back seat. "Miss (m/n), thank you for driving us. This is our stop. I promise we'll meet again some time!"

Your mother waved as you two headed inside your house. Vincent was pacing the living room, a terrified look on his face. "(y/n), they were..."

"What, Vinny? What's wrong?"

"The police. They were gonna kill us. We can't... We can't stay here!"

His words were shaky and his face was pale. He was thinking hard. "Vincent, we can't just leave. We don't have the money or anything!" He stopped in his tracks, his pure white eyes flicking up to you. There was a hint of anger in his tone as he spoke. "We can't stay here." He repeated. It caused you to freeze, but you slowly took a step towards him. "Vincent, I know this is completely random. But are you bipolar?" His expression softened. He laughed. "No, just insane." Vincent leapt forward and hugged you, nuzzling into your neck. "I'm sorry, I shouldnt have said anything. Let's just... Lay low until we do have the money. We'll have to quit at Freddy's though. Like, never go back." Then it all hit you ho serious the situation was.

"Look, I wasn't the one who murdered the children. I can go back and say goodbye, right?"


There was a long silence. Vincent finally answered. "Yes, but I'm coming with you. Its risky."

You hugged him, smiling. "Alright. Let's go tonight. For now, what should we do?" Vincent was already heading for the couch. On it was a newspaper. "We look for other jobs." He got a red marker and you got a blue marker. You sat there, crossing off and circling jobs you did or didn't like. Vincent did the same. After you had considered all the jobs, your eyes landed on one of them, which was circled in red and blue. Vincent pointed. "Night watch at Chuck E Cheese's it is!"

"Can you control yourself?"

"What do you mean?"

"All the kids there."

"Maybe, maybe not." His response lingered in the air. There was more silence. You broke it, speaking up. "All right, let's call in." You picked up the phone, slightly nervous as you dialed the number. You heard they used the same system at Chucky's. Moreanimatroniccharacters. AtleastIknowwhattodowiththem. EnoughexperienceatFuckboy'stoknowhowtohandlethenightwatch. You rang the number. It rung once. Twice. Half a third time before someone picked up. "Chuck E Cheese, how may I help you?"

" I would like to apply for the waitress and night shift position."

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