Chapter 11

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It wasn't long before Mike came knocking at your door. You looked him over. The night guard uniform was definitely different from the security uniform. You weren't used to seeing him like this. "Come on in. I just have to put some things away and we can go." You proceeded to put some dishes away from dinner. Mike offered to help and you let him. When you two were done, you put on your night guard hat and smiled. "Alright, let's go!"

It was a quick drive to the pizzaria as usual. My last shift before tomorrow. You swallowed. Saturday... You only hoped the animatronics could hold it together and try to seem menacing for at least one more night. When you walked inside, it was about 11:20. Chica, Freddy, and Bonnie were out on stage. But Chica was already twitching, nervous. She couldn't contain it and ran over wailing. "(y/n)!!" Mike turned sharply. "WATCH OUT!!" He reached out in attempt to save you, but you held up a hand, signaling it was okay. Chica hugged you. Liquid was running down her fuzzy cheeks and her eyes were more dull than they had been earlier. She released you from her death grip. Mike was staring in confusion.

"Um... Do you mind explaining why she's up and about already? And not trying to kill you?"

"Long story. I'd rather not say."

"We do have what..." He paused, checking his watch. "About 7 hours."

"Mike, I'll end up hurting someone if I tell you. Don't push it." You swore to you'relf you would keep the dead kids a secret.

"(y/n)...)" He whined and you felt Chica grab your arm. Her cheeks were smeared with black again. "Hey, don't cry. You'll be fine." You reassured her, and she pulled you backstage. You hadn't even realized the animatronics had moved. They were all there. Foxy saw Mike and turned away, his eyes dull. The security guard saw the fox, quietly contemplating whether he should say something or not. Finally, he caught the fox animatronics attention.


"... Aye, Mike?"

"I... Um, I just..." He looked like he was about to cry, but kept it together.

"Mike, don' put yourself down. It was me own fault. I'm real sorry. Ye was me first matey. I still think of ye as such. I didn't mean it, I swear. A pirate never lies." He made an x over his heart.

Now Mike was starting to lose it. He hugged the fox animatronic, tears in his eyes. You turned away, letting them have their moment. Chica was watching, her eyes bright. "Watching those two. It makes everything less painful." You nodded.

"It sure does."

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