30 Facts About Me

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Hello everyone! This is not a chapter, but the first 2 chapters of the sequel are out, so head over to my profile for the 2nd and possibly last book in the series, Tough Love.

I was nominated by PurpleFreakShow, thanks for that! If you've never been to her profile, go take a lookie! 30 facts about myself, this is going to be hard.

1: My name is Christina, but I'm fine with whatever nickname you wanna call me.
2: I am 14 years old, just a small star child.
3: I have 2 younger brothers who are complete nerds.
4: I have 4 cats, my arms are pretty scarred from all the playing.
5: I am not suicidal, but I fall into depression easily.
6: I cry alone.
7: I'm shy if I don't know you, but I'm pretty psychotic if we get the chance to be friends.
8: I make terrible puns (forgive me)
9: I don't yell (I used to, now I just raise my voice a little if I want to get my point across).
10: This is hard. I can't think properly today.
11: I do chores every night and it's terrible.
12: I get grounded often.
13: I get bad grades often.
14: I have a huge crush on someone, but I'm too scared to say anything.
15: I'm female.
16: I'm lesbian.
17: I'm asexual (which means it sickens me to think about having sex).
18: I get bullied a lot. I've been beaten up at the very young age of 9 by a 15 year old who thought it was fun to use me as target practice with BB guns and choke me until I'm almost passing out. I was never shot, thankfully.
19: I was born in the US, and will probably stay here until I die. I don't know.
20: The next few are darker topics.
21: I have autophobia and atychiphobia.
For those who have no idea what these phobias are, I'll provide a breif explanation.
Autophobia- The fear of being alone or feeling isolated. If I'm alone for a really long time, I start to freak out.
Atychiphobia- Fear of failure. I don't like failing because I'll be made fun of or yelled at. I have panic attacks.
22: I see things and hear noises that normal people do not. My illness is not fake. It's scary. You don't need to be scared of me though, I'm a really friendly person. Just don't tell my parents.
23: I have insomnia! I can't sleep at night, but my parents can't know this either.
24: I don't tell them because they'll call it fake, excuses, put me on medicine that won't work, or send me to therapists that make it worse. No therapist for my anger issues was ever successful, so I'm not going to one again. Screw that.
25: I have social anxiety.
26: I am made of stardust.
27: My two favorite shows have proven to be Steven Universe and Gravity Falls, in that order.
28: This is the first thing I have ever been nominated for.
29: But I love my fans.
30: And I love writing and drawing for you all!

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