Chapter 21: Sarcasm

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" You know I should probably see how Draco and Harry are doing." Evie said. " Yes you should and I should begin writing the final exam love." She left the classroom with a flare and apparated to the painting in front of the Gryffindor common room. " Mandrake." She said as the painting moved off the wall and let her in. When she entered the common room she was rushed into a hug by Herminoe. " Thank you Evie you really saved him." " Well of course I did… I couldn't let my best friend's boyfriend die now could i?" Herminoe agreed. " Now how is he doing?" "Better he's not in pain anymore but very tired." "Good. I'm assuming the sedative is working then." Hermione nodded.

" I'm going to check on him to see if he needs anything." Evie said as she walked up the stairs to check on Harry. Harry was laying there asleep. She checked him over and gave him a smile and whispered. " You're lucky those cuts weren't any deeper, you would have been in serious trouble." She sighed and walked out. " He's going to be fine, just make sure he takes it easy for a few days. He should be completely fine by holiday.  She left the common room and went to her own.  While she entered she saw Draco sitting on the couch waiting for her. " How is he Evangeline?" He said with worry. " He's going to be alright Draco, he was lucky."

He sighed with relief but turned to anger. " I should have been there! I should have told him not to!" "Hey,hey Draco its not your fault Harry is even more stubborn than me. You know I was in a very similar situation myself last year… If McGonagall didn't find me I would be dead…. She didn't tell Dumbledore and made me promise not to do curses anymore unless in battle. She gave me spell books with healing charms and potions." Draco was shocked he never knew. " Yeah I was thinking I was a badass and could do hexes way above my caliber at the time so Draco you know we live and we learn I'm just happy I was able to help." " Hey Evie can you help me study potions." He asked quietly. " Of course Draco I even have the perfect place to start" She smiled and gave him a book entitled "The Potion Book for Dummies" Draco laughed. " Ya know you do have a sense of humor."

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