Chapter 11: Admissions

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"Eve are you sure you want to do this right now?" Snape asked cautiously "Yes I do Sev." With a flick of his wand the doors to his room shut and he stood against his desk and slightly furrowed his brow. "Are you sure you want to trust him darling?" Snape asked Evie.. " I have no choice but to now he knows the truth and I doubt he would even tell me any of what he did if he didn't already want to leave Voldemort." She rolled up her sleeve. " Defalligio'' And with that her mark was shown. Draco's eyes darted towards Snape. " Wait how ?" He stood there tense " Draco that is a story I wish not to tell again. But let's just say that's another reason why I put so much focus into my studies." Draco nodded and didn't ask another question. " Well now that's out in the open I best be off to my room I'm sure Pansy is worried sick and I do have a final Potions term to study for." She winked at Snape. " Draco, do you care to join me?" " Ahem… Darling are you forgetting something?" "Oh I'm sorry Sev." She walked over to him, kissed him and whispered something in his ear." Snape smirked and went over to his desk. As Draco and Evangeline left the classroom. Draco leaned over to Evangeline. " Ya know dating the professor is hot ya know." Evangeline hit his arm playfully. " Hey, it's not like it was planned."  " I know, I know do you think it was planned that I fell in love with a man?'' Draco said.  Evangeline looked at him with a question mark on her face. " Wait what? I knew Pansy was gay but not you." " Yes I'm gay and so far youre the only one that knows besides the man I'm laying with." "Well aren't we divulging secrets… so who are you sleeping with then?" She asked... "If i tell you this stays between us. ok? " Of course." "Harry." She almost fell over. " Whoa what? Harry as in Harry Potter?" " Yes now shut up before someone hears you." 

As they entered the Slytherin common room they were stopped almost immediately " Evangeline Rose Harlow!!!!! Where have you been?" Pansy screamed " Jeez Pansy I'm here and I'm sorry I fell asleep in the Library and got talking with Draco this morning" "That's a lie I checked all over the castle and you were nowhere to be found." "Did you check in the restricted section Pans?" "No, because no one can get in there." "That's where I was Pansy and Draco caught me and we started talking had to avoid Filtch and Mrs. Norris to boot." Draco was impressed on how fast Evangeline could come up with the lie but he agreed nonetheless. "Pansy I'm sorry I had you worried. I really am but look not a scratch or a bruise I'm fine see." Pansy giggled.. "Why are you laughing Pans?" "Not a bruise huh?" She moved Evie's hair and touched her neck." "Ow" Evie said. " You got a nice one right there… now are you going to tell me who you have been seeing or shall I ask Draco because he seems to know being all Mr.Shifty eyes over there." Draco stared at the floor gulped and said "Okay fine Pans you caught us. We have been sneaking around alright? Ya happy now?" Pansy couldn't believe what she was hearing… she was stuck with her jaw on the floor. Evangeline was also shocked but hid it well. " Call it enemies to lovers or whatever but keep your mouth shut." Draco semi barked. " Fine not a word to anyone."

Draco and Evangeline went upstairs…." Thanks for covering me Draco." "Hey I guess we are in this together now." Evangeline nodded. " Well why not make this seem more real to the onlookers eh?" Wanna come study with me you're dreadful potions Draco…" She snickered " Yeah I am you're right let's go" She led him in her dorm and pulled out books they needed. " Here read this one it should give you what you need." She said with a smile. " Evangeline thank you seriously I wouldn't want to know what my father would say if I failed potions." " Well you're welcome Draco and frankly neither would I… no offense but your father intimidates even me." Draco laughed. "You know he was never always liked that it wasn't until you know who resurfaced again when he lost part of himself." "Yeah I know what you mean my father has changed a lot too…. I couldn't even begin to imagine what would happen if he found out if I was seeing Severus." " You're father… oh merlin I would rather come face to face with a dementor." Draco laughed and Evangeline almost fell on the floor clutching her ribs. "Ya know Draco you're not as bad as you seem just a bit rough around the edges." " And what's that supposed to mean?" "Oh nothing just that you're nicer than you portray." They continued to study until dinner.

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