Chapter 29: Dinner

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They had 4 days left of holiday and wanted to enjoy every moment of it. Evangeline and Sev woke up early in the morning and got ready for the day. She changed into a proper witches outfit with a dress with ornate details and hand sewn stitching and gold inlay with heels. Her hair was neatly curled and her makeup was alluring. A smoky eye with purplish red lipstick. She looked in the mirror and half smiled with a sigh she thought *I look like my mother* Snape came in wearing a white silk button down with a suit jacket hand sewn with gold seems. His suit was ornate and lavish. He looked flawless. He was tussling with his cufflinks. "Here let me help you."
She said kindly. She put them on and took at glance at her man before her and was wowed. "Why the sad face dear?" He looked down at her with worry. " Oh nothing darling, just a thought passed through my mind I'll be fine love." *He didn't mean to look into her mind but it was inevitable*  He saw into her mind and read her thoughts. "Darling you are stunning, elegant, charming,intelligent, kind, and most of all loving." She looked up at him with a furrow brow. " You read my thoughts again." She looked at the floor. "I'm sorry darling I didn't mean to; you just looked so sad and I couldn't stop myself. I tried and it happened." He was upset with himself completely beside himself.

"Hey, hey darling don't be upset." She cupped his face. " I know you didn't mean to. It's alright. " Are you sure?" He was bashful in his words. " Yes darling I needed to hear that somehow when I'm down and lost in my head you seem to bring me right back one of the many things I love about you." She tenderly kissed his lips, careful not to smudge her lipstick. " Come on, we should be going, they are probably waiting for us." He said with a quickness, she held his arm and apparated to the restaurant in the highlands. They looked around getting familiar with their surroundings.They met up with Narcissa,Draco,Harry, and Lucius who invited them for dinner.

" Ah here they are." Lucius said with conviction, sucking in his breath and gripping his cane. " You look wonderful Evangeline." Narcissa said with compassion. "Thank you Narcissa thank you for inviting us." " Oh of course my dear." She was sweet in her words. As they sat down for dinner they talked about how the three were going to graduate and how their lives would change. Draco talked about becoming an Auror and Harry talked about working in the ministry. While Evangeline sat quietly, she didn't know what she wanted to do. She thought about working in the Ministry but that meant working with her father. She couldn't stomach the thought. She was lost and she knew after Hogwarts she had to decide on what to do. She wanted a career that was fulfilling but yet challenging. She knew her away around potions and spells but loved magical creatures. She felt sick with worry…. " What's wrong Evie?" Harry spoke up. "Nothing Harry just got lost in thought. If you will excuse me.

" She left hastily and went outside for air. Draco followed leaving the others at the table. " Hey are you alright?" He said when he caught up to her. " Yeah Dray just worried about after we graduate. I have no idea what I'm going to do. Seems like everyone has everything planned out and I'm stuck trying to decide." She was distressed. " You know when I'm at a loss I go for a walk to clear my head." He said gesturing to the garden. "Care to join me?" He said inquiring. He took his arm as they went through the flower beds along the path and came to a bench. She abruptly sat down. " Dray do mind if we sit for a moment my feet hurt.?" She chuckled. " Of course not, I got to give you ladies credit. I couldn't even think about wearing heels let alone wearing them." He was giddy. She nudged his arm. " Hey I think you would look good in heels… show off your legs." She was laughing so hard. " Hey you know I just might." He followed her in a suit. "Thanks Draco.  I really needed this, helped my head out a lot." "You're welcome Evangeline. Anytime." He smiled. " I do think it's time for us to go in. I think they might worry if we don't return soon." He was such a smartass Evie loved him for it. The best friends started to head in as he asked " So did you decide?" "Yeah I think I did."

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