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Friday, June 19th, 1959.

Y/N's POV-

The next day, the treehouse is empty. It is just me. It's too quiet. The treehouse hasn't seen a quiet day in God-knows-how-long. I decide to draw with my quiet time. It's warm in the treehouse. Not blistering hot. Just the right temperature for June.

I draw a girl in half a dress and half a tee-shirt and pants. It's my two sides.

I hate being girly, and I mean it. Being girly is for the weak, future housewife type people. There is no way I'm gonna be one of those. I'll die before the age of 25 so I don't have to marry and do that shit. 

The latch flips open and Teddy comes inside.

"Shit ton of drama, am I right?" Teddy laughs.

"Oh, DuChamp. You have no idea." I sigh.

"Yes I do! I was there!" Teddy exclaims.

"Fair point, but it doesn't involve you like it does me." I frown.

"Chris is sorry. I know he can't live without you." Teddy admits.

"When will he apologize?" I question.

"It's not him who needs to apologize. It's you." Teddy hands me a Winston.

"Oh, true. Can you help me? Like get him to talk to me?" I ask.

"I can try. After all, he's only mad at Gordie and probably you." Teddy takes a drag.

"That reminds me, what happened to Vern?" I wondered.

"Oh, uh... he's probably digging for those stupid pennies again." Teddy says.

"When is he gonna figure out?" I laugh.

"When I tell him 10 years from now." Teddy jokes. I giggle.

"Call me up when you get Chris to go somewhere with you." I open the latch and jump out.


I wait at my house, eager for Teddy to call. I know it won't take long because Chris will do anything to get out of his house.

In my free time, I decide to prepare myself for whatever it was Teddy will make me and Chris do to make up.

The phone rings. I instantly pick up.

"Merrill residence."

"I got Chris to meet me at Blue Point in 15. I'll be at your window in 2." Teddy says.

"Alright. Give me a minute." I hang up. I'm very nervous.

I realize that I haven't eaten since lunch yesterday. I creep out to the kitchen because my dad's wasted on the couch. It's blazing hot inside of our house, so I wonder how my dad could sleep through all of it.

I make myself a sandwich, put it in saran wrap, and take a Coke on the side with it. I put it in my peach bag.

Teddy is at my window.

"Ready?" He asks.

"Yeah, just a little bit nervous." I admit.

We're off to Blue Point.


My breathing is fast and I'm sweating. We walk past the bar, where Ace and Eyeball are most likely wasted and yelling at each other while playing pool. I hope to God that Ace hadn't seen me with Teddy, or I might be stuck in the house until I'm 45.

We arrive at Blue Point. Teddy and I order Coke floats as we always do. We get one for Chris, too. We keep flowing conversation until we hear the bell on the door jingle.

Chris walks in. His eyes still the bluest of blue, his smile still calming as ever.

He stops in his tracks. My heart is racing.

Suddenly, my feet pick me up. I don't want to move, but I can't fight it. I run to Chris and wrap my arms around him. I'm so busy thinking about hugging him that I haven't realized he's hugging back.

"Sunshine." He whispers. I don't say anything. I just stand there, holding onto Chris with my life.

"Cut the cameras and come drink your floats!" Teddy exclaims.

"Alright! Alright!" I exclaim, taking Chris's hand in mine and sit down back into the booth.

We drink our floats in peace. My thoughts race as I beam with happiness. After we finish our floats, Chris and I run to the treehouse.

"It was only a week, but it felt like forever." Chris says.

"I know. I fuck everything up. Or, that's what Ace tells me." I laugh.

"That's not true. If anything, Ace fucks everything up."

"True. But whenever he tells me something like that, I believe it. Typical Y/N Merill."

"Ugh, why do all families in Castle Rock suck ass?" Teddy asks.

"I dunno, but it really sucks." I reply.

"That's something we can all agree on." Chris raises his float.

"Cheers to awful home lives." We all clink our glasses together.

After we finished our floats, we parted ways.

What happened after that made my life miserable.

WC: 784


I'm so sorry for not updating in forever. I have really bad writers block, but the next chapter is juicy as hell so strap in!

~Nirvana (New name haha)

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