"𝓒'𝓶𝓮𝓻𝓮, 𝓑𝓵𝓸𝓷𝓭𝓲𝓮"

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A/N: This gif literally gave me an idea. Basically, it's just Y/N feeling herself lol. Also abuse.

Monday, May 12th, 1959.

1:05 am. 

I toss and turn on my creaky bed. I feel hot and cold at the same time. I roll off my bed and walk to the window. The moon shines on my face, giving me a calm feeling.

Those sparkling ocean eyes.

The soft glimmer on his gorgeous face brought a smile to my face. The way he smiled melted my heart. The way he wrapped his arm around my shoulders brought a soft feeling to my body. I walk back to my bed. Sleep washes over me like the waves wash over the sand.

- Time Skip -

The cool breeze feels so good. That is overshadowed by the aching pain all throughout my body. My throat feels scratchy. Coffee should help. I try to move. Every inch my body moves, makes me ache more and more. I groan in pain. I can hear footsteps throughout the house. Ace.

"A-" My voice cracks loudly. I try again. Nothing comes from my vocal chords. I reach over on my nightstand and grab a glass. I throw it. The shattering is impossible to ignore. A worried Ace bursts through my door.

"Are you alright?" Ace walks over to my bed. I try to speak. Nothing.

"Sick?" He questions. I nod.

"I'll get you some tea. But I have to go out. Will you be okay?" Ace puts his hand on my forehead. I nod.

"Burning up." Ace goes to make me tea. 


Chris's POV-

2:06 pm.

The Treehouse.

"Where the hell is she?" I ask, worriedly.

"Did she say she was coming?" Teddy lights a Winston.

"Yeah!" I exclaim.

"Stop getting all worked up, loverboy." Teddy hands me a Winston.

"I'm just worried. She has Ace Merrill as a brother!" I stick the cigarette in my mouth.


Gordie looks up from his True Crime magazine.

"Fuck." He throws the magazine down. He jumps down and starts running.

"Where the hell is he going?" Teddy looks out of the trapdoor.

"We should follow him." I put the cigarette out. I climb down and run after Gordie.


I had eventually caught up to Gordie, who was going faster than lightning. He was at a stop. In front of Y/N's house.

"What the hell are we doing here?" I pant.

"Just come here." Gordie pulls me to the open window. The small body of Y/N lays in a small bed. Her eyes closed peacefully. I jump through the window, a loud crunching sound comes from underneath my worn out Converse. Shattered glass.

"She's just sleeping." I walk towards her. Her chest rises up and down slowly.

"Sunshine?" I speak softly. Her body shifts and she makes a small noise.

"Wake up." I continue in the soft voice. Her baby blue eyes flutter open. 

"I'm hallucinating again, aren't I?" Her voice sounds raspy.

Hey Sunshine - C. Chambers //discontinued//Where stories live. Discover now