"𝐼'𝓂 𝒾𝓃 𝒶 𝒷𝒶𝒹 𝓅𝓁𝒶𝒸𝑒."

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"I'm just here thinking about where I belong."

-Benee (reworded)


The faint memories of California hit me hard that evening. A smaller Ace smiles at me. The faint and echoey giggle of my mother rings throughout my ears.

"Be careful with her!" My mom yells.

"I will!" Ace's voice sounds young and innocent. Ace puts my small body on the surfboard. 

"You ready, Biscuit?" Ace asks. Biscuit was an old nickname that he used to call me for whatever reason.

"Yeah!" I exclaim. 

"Here we go!" He holds onto me tightly. The waves are high, ready to take me out of Ace's grasp. He stands up and lifts me as well.

"Y/N?" I'm snapped out of my haze.


"You okay?" I turn around to see Gordie, perched on my windowsill.

"I'm fine. Just thinking." I hop off my bed and climb out the window after Gordie.


I refused a game of 31, which was very un-Y/N like. I couldn't stop thinking of the memory of California. Ace actually smiling. 'Biscuit', an old nickname was heard. I hadn't been called that since I was 6 years old.

"Is she okay?" I hear faint voices.

"I don't know. She was like that when I picked her up." 

"Maybe she's braindead."

"Shut up, Teddy. Maybe she's tired."

"I'll try and snap her out of it." I feel a hand land on my shoulder.

"Y/N? Snap out of it!" I feel as though somebody's going to slap me. I put my hand out and I grab somebody's hand.

"Damn, she's good."

"Shut up, Teddy." I let go of his hand. My vision comes to see four boys. All of their mouths open wide.

"There's something not right here." Vern looks strangely at me.

"I'm gonna go home. I didn't sleep well last night." I lie. I open the latch and climb out. I know exactly where I'm going. Definitely not home.


Chris's POV--

"She is one strange bean." Vern remarks.

"I don't think she's okay. Ever since the incident with that idiotic Hogan kid, she's been like this." I light a Winston.

"Maybe someone should go check on her." Teddy suggests.

"I don't know her as well as you or Chris." Vern looks at Teddy.

"True. I'll do it." Teddy says proudly.

"Okay. She might crack. Be careful when that happens." I tell him, thinking of the times she had cracked.

"Alright. Wish me luck." Teddy opens the latch and climbs down.


Teddy's POV--

Y/N's house comes into view. Her broken window invites me inside. I look inside. Her face is white, almost like a ghost. I can see she's crying, not hard, but rather softly. She doesn't see me peek in. She doesn't even notice when I climb through the window. It's like she's in a trance. I walk over to her.

"Hi, Peach." I sit next to her. She jumps.

"Teddy! I didn't know you were here." She brushes some hair from her face.

"Peach, the guys and I are worried about you. You aren't yourself. What's going on?" I ask.

"I keep having, like, flashbacks or something... Things that I want and don't want to remember. Like Ace in California, I want to remember. But Wyatt, I don't. It's like my mind is an endless wave of good and bad thoughts. I don't even know where I belong, Teddy. What can I do?" She looks stressed.

"Those memories are things of the past. You might miss the good stuff, I get it. But worrying over the bad memories like that isn't good for you. Those things happened, and now they're over. You really need to get it out of you. You're scaring us, Peach. We need someone like you to cheer us up. If you weren't with us, God knows what I would be like. Probably dead." I state.

"Really? I mean that much to you?" She questions

"Of course. Lets go to Blue Point." I suggest. 

"Okay." She smiles.


Y/N's POV--

I feel better. Teddy made a good point. I was stuck in a bad place. As we walk into Blue Point, Teddy and I freeze. A familiar blonde head turns towards me.

"Y/N, what the fuck are you doing here with him?" Ace sneers.

"Am I not allowed to have friends who are boys?" I ask. 

"That's fuckin' Teddy DuChamp." Ace eyes me in a weird, anger/ disgust type of way.

"So?" I make a face.

"So, he's crazy. Just like his father." Ace smirks. I knew what was gonna happen next.

"The fuck did you just say?" Teddy's gonna explode.

"Hey, Ace." Eyeball walks out of the bathroom. (I'm laughing so hard rn)

"You're. Crazy." Ace repeats.

"I'M GONNA SHOOT YOU, FAG! NOBODY INSULTS ME OR MY FATHER LIKE THAT!" Teddy screams. I hold him back from attacking my brother. 

"Teddy, calm down. Please." I attempt to calm him down.

"NO! THIS SON-OF-A-WHORE JUST INSULTED MY OLD MAN!" Teddy tries to escape my grasp. Ace and Eyeball snicker.

"You sick fucks." I give both of them the finger and drag Teddy out of the diner.

As we leave the diner, I stroke Teddy's hair in attempt to calm him down. Tears leak from his eyes.

"He insulted my old man." Teddy cries. I pull him into a hug.

"He doesn't know shit. I would know, I'm his sister." I hug him tighter.

"But he- he-" Teddy stutters.

"He. Doesn't. Know. Shit." I smile.

"You're right." Teddy sniffles.

"I know." I smirk. We walk to the treehouse.


When we arrive, we hear Vern laughing. I knock the secret knock.

"Who is it?" Gordie asks.

"Y/N and Teddy."

The latch opens. When I climb up, I see Chris smile.

"What're you so happy 'bout, Chambers?" I ask.

"I see the old Y/N." Chris answers.

"I've been the same person all of my life." I snicker.

"You know what I mean." Chris rolls his eyes.

"Relax, I was being sarcastic." I light a Winston.

"I know."

"Do you really."

"I like this version of Y/N better." Teddy snickers.

"What the fuck did you do to her! She's mean now!" Vern frowns.


OMIGAWD HI! I've arisen from the dead and come to write. When I left I was at 200-something views. Now I'm almost at 1k! Tysm to all of my readers and @stareverland for forcing me to update this. I love you all sm!!

Skin it and stay peachy!


Hey Sunshine - C. Chambers //discontinued//Where stories live. Discover now