"𝒲𝑒'𝓇𝑒 𝑔𝑜𝓃𝓃𝒶 𝒹𝒾𝑒!"

665 11 4

Teddy and I, being the idiots that we are, sang songs all the way to the treehouse. We start with 'Come and Go With Me' by The Dell Vikings. We end with 'Lollipop' by The Chordettes. I knock the secret knock.

"Who is it?" A muffled voice comes from above me.

"Y/N and Teddy." I yell. The latch opens. I see Chris, a cigarette perched in between his lips, smiling. I climb up into the treehouse, Teddy following.

"That storm looks like it's gonna be a bitch." Gordie looks out the window. I nod.

"Maybe we should leave." Vern suggests.

"We wouldn't want the treehouse collapsing on us." I take a seat next to Chris.

"I think we should stay here." Teddy adjusts his glasses.

"I don't know... It looks like its gonna get pretty bad." Gordie looks worried.

"Let's take a vote. Who wants to leave?" I ask. Everyone but Teddy raises their hand.

"Then it's settled. We're leaving." I take Chris's hand and open the latch.  I climb out. Chris follows. Then Gordie. Then Vern. Teddy doesn't come out. I walk back up to the ladder.

"Teddy! Come on!" I yell. The wind is starting to pick up.

"No." Teddy's voice comes from the treehouse above.

"Teddy! God damnit! Get out here!" I scream.

"No!" He yells.

"Yes Teddy! We can play 31 at my house! Just get out of there! It's not safe!" I screech.

"Fine!" He jumps from the treehouse, nearly crushing me. Chris grabs my hand. This was gonna be a long trip.

Halfway through the trip, rain starts to whip at us. Thunder booms loudly, scaring me. 

"You wanna get on my back?" Chris asks.

"Yeah." I say, shakily. The rain whips at us harder. The thunder booms louder. Teddy points at something swirling. It looks like a tornado.

"HOLY SHIT! WE'RE GONNA DIE!" Teddy screams. I jump off of Chris's back and start running. Tornado sirens start ringing in my ears. My house was just ahead. I picked up the pace. I out-ran Chris. The tornado comes closer each second. I grab onto the door handle and yank it down frantically. The door is locked.

"FUCK!" I scream. My broken window. I quickly jump through. Chris climbs in. Teddy follows. Gordie and Vern are still outside.

"Stay here." I look over Chris. I hop out the window.

"What the hell are you guys doing?" I yell. 

"I've never seen a tornado in person!" Vern yells.

"WE'RE GONNA DIE GOD DAMNIT!" I scream. I try pulling Vern away from the monstrous cyclone.

"GORDIE! HELP ME!" I screech. Gordie's in some sort of trance. I scream in annoyance.

"FUCK!" I run over to Gordie. I slap him in annoyance. He snaps out of whatever the hell was wrong with him.

"VERN! C'MON!" My throat hurts from screaming so loud and long. Vern finally comes with us. Gordie hops through the window. I follow. Vern struggles to get inside. Chris pulls me toward him. I'm soaked from head to toe. My small body is shivering. Chris takes a blanket off of my bed and wraps it around me.

"Thanks." My voice sounds raspy. He nods.

"Are you alright? You sound rough." Chris puts his arm around my shoulders and pulls me close.

"I had to scream a lot." My voice trails off at the end of my sentence.

"Oh. Hot tea'd fix that." Chris tucks a strand of wet, blonde hair behind my ear. I look over to see Gordie and Teddy talking. Gordie looks over at me. He looks hurt.

"Who wants hot chocolate?" I ask. Vern's face instantly jerks up.

"Me!" All the boys said in unision.

I walk to the fridge to get the milk. Luckily, I had gone to the store a few days ago and bought some. I grab a pan and turn on the gas stove. I pour the milk in the pan and put a lid over it. I hum the tune to 'La Vie En Rose' by Louis Armstrong.

"Need any help?" Chris calls from behind me. 

"I'm alright. But thanks." I smile.

"How 'bout a Winston?" He asks.

"I could go for that." I smirk. He grabs a pack of Winstons and takes one out.

"You're a sweetie." I giggle

"You're an angel." Chris lights the Winston for me.

"I'm far from that." I walk over to the pot. 

"Bullshit." Chris frowns.

"Bulltrue." I put the lid back on the pot. The milk isn't ready yet.

"I'm not a good person." I walk out the back door. The rain hits me hard. Cold raindrops turn into hot tears.

"Y/N. Get back inside! You'll get the flu!" Chris yells from behind me. I walk away.

"Damnit Y/N! Come back." Chris chases after me. He grabs onto my arm.

"No." I try to free myself from Chris's grasp. He still won't let me go. He grabs my waist and carries me back inside.

"I would've been fine." I walk back over to the pot. It's ready.

"I don't want you dying on me." Chris grabs a Winston and lights it.

"I. Would've. Been. Fine." I grab 5 cups.

"I have personal experience." Chris walks over to me.

"Like what?" I say rather rudely. 

"I lost a friend from the flu. I forced her to stay out in the rain for too long. She wanted to go inside. I pressured her to stay out." Chris starts to tear up.

"Oh, Chris-"

"It's my fault that she's gone." 

"Chris, you didn't know." I pull him into a hug.

"Hot chocolate should help." I smile.

"Yeah." Chris smiles.

"Now get over here and help me." I giggle. 

"Ok, Ok!" Chris exclaims. I pour the milk into one cup at a time. I fill the last one up. Chris grabs the chocolate syrup.

"Not too much." I giggle. Chris squeezes syrup into each of the cups. I stir the syrup into the hot milk. I scoop some hot chocolate onto a spoon and hand it to Chris.

"How's it taste?" I ask.

"Delicious." Chris smirks. I give him a small peck on the cheek.

"It's ready!" I yell. Vern instantly runs into the kitchen. 

"Take it easy, Verno." I giggle. Teddy messes up my hair.

"This is good." Vern sips out of the mug. Gordie still hasn't come out of my bedroom. I go in to see what's going on.

"Gordie?" I question. He looks up at me.

"You okay? Your hot cocoa's getting cold." I sit next to him.

"I need a minute for myself." Gordie looks tired.

"Ok." I walk out. I get a feeling in my gut that something's off. I try to ignore this feeling and go to enjoy my hot chocolate.

Heehee. What's wrong with me. I was bored ig. Anyways, I need to put this story on hold for awhile :(.


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