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"I wanna show you something." Chris smiles.

"Ok..." I look at him suspiciously. He opens the latch and climbs down the ladder. I follow.

"Do you wanna ride on my back?" Chris asks.

"Yes." I hop on his back. 


10 minutes later.

He sets me down and puts his hands over my eyes. He leads me somewhere. When he takes his hands off my eyes, I see flowers. Lots of them. Dahlias, Roses, Morning Glories, and Daisies.

"This is so beautiful." My mouth is wide open.

"Not as beautiful as you." Chris smiles.

"Thank you." I blush. I sit in the field of daisies.

"So this is where you got the daisy." I smirk.

"Yep. I thought of you when I came back here." He picks a morning glory and puts it in my hair. 

"You have no idea how beautiful you are, Y/N." Chris pulls me close and kisses me on the cheek. I put my head on his shoulder and close my eyes. 


Teddy's POV--

7:43 am

Y/N still hasn't come out of the house. Maybe she's still sleeping? I look through the broken window. Nothing. I see something on the wall. I go to investigate. It looks like blood. Fresh blood. What did he do to you, Peach? I think to myself. I run to get help from my friends.


Gordie's POV--

7:48 am.

'Her hair was the perfect shade of honey blonde.' I write in my notebook. 

"GORDIE!" I hear Teddy scream.

"What, Teddy." I shut my notebook.

"I think Ace did something to Y/N. There was fresh blood on her wall." Teddy breathes heavily.

"First off, Why were you in her house? Second, Her and Chris are probably at the treehouse again. Third, How'd you get inside?" I furrow my eyebrows. 

"I normally walk with her to school. She wasn't coming out, and it was getting late. So i went to her window, of which is broken, and saw something on the wall. Which was fresh blood." Teddy replied.

"Why don't we just skip today and look for them if you're so worried? We don't have to tell Vern." I smirk. Teddy's face lights up.

"We don't have to take Vern somewhere for once?" Teddy's eyes are wide.

"Nope, he'll just be lonely at lunch." I put my notebook in my backpack. We go off on our adventure to find Chris and Y/N.


Y/N's POV--

11:07 am.

The Winstons in my pocket had been untouched for 2 days. I decide to take one out and light it. Chris looks like he had a rough night, as he's still asleep in the daisy patch. The flower crown that I had made earlier sits on my head. The cool, May wind felt nice. I look at my arm. 

"Let's see the damage." I whisper to myself. I unwrap Chris's shirt from my arm. There's a long cut down my arm. I flinch at the sight.

"What the hell?" I hear a voice from behind me. Was that... Teddy? I turn around. 

"What are you doing here?" I ask.

"We came to find you." Gordie looks at my flower crown.

"So, did you guys fuck?" Teddy snickers.

"No! I'm not even 13!" I screech. By this time, Chris was up. Teddy looks at my arm.

"What the hell happened to your arm?" Teddy exclaims. 

"N-Nothing!" I stutter.

"What. Happened?" 

"NOTHING!" I scream and run off. I push myself to run the fastest I possibly can. I don't want Chris catching up to me. 

"Y/N!" I hear Chris scream. I make it to the treehouse in 5 minutes, occasionally slowing down. I latch the door down. The hot tears stream down my face.


Chris's POV--

After Y/N took off running.

"Y/N!" I scream. She continues to run faster. It's no use. She needs to be alone. 

"God damnit, Teddy." I look Teddy dead in the eyes.

"I was just fuckin' worried." He walks into the garden.

"I'm gonna talk to her." Gordie looks at me for my approval. I nod.


Gordie's POV--

11:19 am

I knock the secret knock.

"Go away, Chris."

"I'm not Chris..." I giggle.

"Sorry, Gordie." She opens the latch.

"It's alright." I smile.

"What's goin on?" I ask.

"Can you keep a secret?" She questions. I nod.

"Well, my dad... He hurts me. Mostly when he's drunk. Which is basically every night." She starts to tear up.

"I'm sorry Y/N. I'm so sorry." I feel bad for her. She's got an abusive father, a terrible reputation that isn't even because of her, and nobody to look out for her. 

"Let's go to Blue Point. I'm paying." I smile. She nods.


Blue Point Diner

12:03 pm.

"What can I getcha'?" The waiter asks.

"I'll take a strawberry milkshake." Y/N smiles.

"I'll take a chocolate milkshake." I fiddle with the collar of my shirt. The waiter goes off.

"Whatcha been writin' lately?" She asks.

"This story's a little different. And it's not finished. I'll still tell it." I smile.

Story Starts

There was a girl. Her name was Audrey. Her hair was the perfect shade of honey blonde. She came into my life like a star and filled my heart with joy. She took my pain as if it was hers and gave me love that no one could. She gave me a shoulder to cry on. She was my pillar when I was falling. She was my strength when I felt low. With her smile, she made my living on earth worthwhile. She gave light to my soul. She helped me to be whole. I have felt love for her before and it will be more and more. She was mine, my dear. She was the angel from above. Who taught me how to love. Please, forever keep me near.

Story Ends.

"Wow, you haven't even had your first kiss. Yet, you write like you've been through three divorces." She looks awestruck.

"Thanks." I smile.

"Could we just skip down the road back home?" Y/N giggles.

"Why not?" I question. I finish my milkshake. I grab her hand and we skip out of Blue Point. All the way back to the treehouse.

I have no words. I can't anymore.

-Olive 🍑

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