"𝐼 𝒿𝓊𝓈𝓉 𝓌𝒶𝓃𝓃𝒶 𝒷𝑒 𝓉𝒽𝑒 𝑜𝓃𝑒 𝓎𝑜𝓊 𝓁𝑜𝓋𝑒."

951 17 5

Saturday, May 9th, 1959

1:24 pm.

Y/N's POV--

Gordie and I sit in Blue Point, laughing. He had just laughed so hard that the chocolate milkshake that he was drinking came out of his nose. 

"It burns!" He screeches.

"Oh my God, Gordie. You're fine!" I laugh. There's a flash of lightning.

"I think it's going to storm." Gordie looks out the window.

"No shit, Sherlock." I giggle. There's a loud boom of thunder. I jump.

"Let's go to the treehouse." Gordie puts 20 cents on the table. We get up and run off. The rain starts to pour.


The Treehouse.

I light a Winston. I'm completely soaked. I shiver.

"Cold?" Gordie questions.

"Yeah. I'm completely soaked." I blow a ring of smoke.

"To take your mind off of things, how about truth or dare?" He smiles.


"I'll go first." He takes the Winston from my mouth and puts it in his.

"Truth or dare?" I ask.

"Truth." He puts the Winston out.

"Do you like anyone?" I ask.

"Yeah. I think I do." He smiles.

"Who?" My eyes widen.

"Uh... well..." He fiddles with his fingers.

"It's you."

My eyes widen.

"Me?!" I exclaim.

"Yeah..." He looks down. I don't really know what to think. Suddenly, I get the sudden urge. I lean in and kiss him. He looks brought back.

"It seems that you like me too..." He smiles. 

"Yeah." Gordie pulls me close to him. He kisses me again. The secret knock. We quickly pull apart. I open the latch. Chris comes in.

"Hey." He smiles. I hadn't seen Chris in a week.

"Hi..." I look down. I feel bad. 

"Is there something wrong?" He asks.

"N-No." I stutter. I quickly open the latch and jump down. I almost jump on Teddy, who had just arrived. I run off.


Teddy's POV--

2:54 pm.

I climb up into the treehouse. I see an awestruck Chris and an upset Gordie.

"What the hell just happened?" I question.

"She just ran out..." Chris looks down.

"Why?" I ask.

"I don't know..." Chris looks hurt.

"I know where she is. I'll go find her." I smile. I open the latch and jump out.


Y/N's POV--

3:09 pm.

I sit in the beautiful garden. The ground was damp. But I don't mind. There's a flower that really stands out to me. A light pink Hibiscus. It's the most beautiful flower I have ever seen. My periwinkle skirt was getting dirty. I don't care. I couldn't give a flying fuck. I lay back as the sunshine comes out. I feel like everything's ok. A smile forms on my lips.

Hey Sunshine - C. Chambers //discontinued//Where stories live. Discover now