"𝒢𝑒𝓉 𝒶𝓌𝒶𝓎!"

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A/N: Serious topics are involved in this chapter. If you feel uncomfortable, skip the part.

Sunday, May 10th, 1959.

12:29 pm.

I knock on the door of the Chamber's residence. Chris wasn't at the treehouse when I woke up, so I figured he went home. The door swings open.

"What d'you want?" I look up to see Eyeball.

"Is Chris here?" I ask.

"No. I dunno where he is. And I don't care." Eyeball signals for me to come inside. The place reeks of alcohol.

"Sit." He points to the couch. I sit on the couch as instructed.

"Why d'you wanna see Chris?" Eyeball questions.

"We're friends." I smirk.

"Ace's gon' kill you." 

"If you say somethin'." I frown.

"Why Chris. You could be a Cobra." Eyeball smirks.

"There's no way in hell that I'd be one of you assholes." I try to get up. Eyeball grabs my arm.

"Why not? We'll give ya' anythin' ya want." Eyeball pulls my small body back to the couch.

"Name one thing."

A/N: Abuse Starts Here.

"Money. A nice little boyfriend. A better life."

"No. I don't wanna join your stupid little gang." I try to get up again, but Eyeball grabs me again.

"Let go." I try to force myself away.

"Just say that you'll join us. Then I'll letcha go." 


"Maybe this'll get it out of ya." He throws me down on the couch.

"Let me go!" I screech.

"Say it."

"No." I try to fight him off. He's too strong.

"Say it."

"GET OFF OF ME!" I scream.


"GET AWAY!" I scream bloody murder. I throw a hand at his face.

"OW, FUCK!" He screams. Blood starts running down his face. He doesn't loosen his grip on me.

"GET OFF! I'LL TELL MY BROTHER ABOUT THIS!" I try to force myself away.

"You won't say shit!" He yells.

I hear the front door open. Apparently, Eyeball didn't. Because Chris came in, shocked.

"WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU DOING?!" Chris screams. Eyeball loosens his grip on me to the point where i can escape. I quickly run away. Then, I realize that Chris is gonna get it. I quickly run back into the house.

"You didn't see shit!" Eyeball exclaims.

"You tried to fuck my friend!" Chris yells.

"You ain't gon' say anythin' to anyone!" Eyeball pins Chris to the wall. Ace taught me well. I have a switchblade in my pocket.

"You did some illegal shit there, Richard." The switchblade clicks.

"You wouldn't stab me if your life depended on it, Merrill." Eyeball loosens his grip on Chris.

"Just because I'm a girl?" I question.

"That and you're a pussy." Eyeball sniggers.

"Are you sure about that?" I walk closer. Eyeball's fear becomes more noticeable.

Hey Sunshine - C. Chambers //discontinued//Where stories live. Discover now