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Saturday, June 13th, 1959.

12:45 pm

Y/N's POV-

I walk up to the treehouse where I spend most of my days. The usual calmness of it is disrupted by screaming. Concerned, I climb up the ladder. Once I open the latch, I was sure I was gonna die.

"WHY DID YOU DO THAT?!" Chris screams.

"IT JUST FELT RIGHT! I DUNNO!" Gordie screams back. They hadn't noticed I'm there. Vern's crying in the corner and Teddy's laughing his ass off.

"YOU KISSED MY DAMN GIRLFRIEND!" Chris yells, making me remember what happened that day. Gordie and I kissed in the treehouse after getting soaked. I instantly cringe at the moment.


"Wuh-What?" Chris looks confused.

"I kissed him. I dunno what I was thinking." I frown. Chris looks extremely hurt.

"I'm sorry, Chris." A singular tear runs down my freckled cheek. He opens the latch.

"Sorry can't fix this." Chris goes down the ladder and slams the latch. I'm suddenly pissed royally. Not at Chris. Not at Gordie. Not even Teddy. I'm pissed at myself.

"Hey, Peach. It's o-" I cut Teddy off.

"It's not!" I screamed. Y/N Merrill didn't cry. Not ever. But it seemed appropriate at this point in time. My eyes water. Tears threaten their way out of my eyes.

"Peach, please don't cry," Teddy says.

"I can't help it." I wipe the one spilled tear from my cheek. Teddy comes over to me and wraps his arms around me. Teddy isn't normally sympathetic, so this is unusual. Now, I know it's okay to cry. I sob in Teddy's arms.

"I-It's muh-my fault." I sob.

"You didn't know. It probably just felt right in the moment. Look at me, I do stupid stuff all the time that could get me killed. I'm not scared because it feels right at the moment." Teddy explains.

"Like that time in the tree?" I ask.

"Yeah. I was the king of the world. It was fun... until I fell." He laughs.

"You only live once." I laugh. He hands me a Winston.

"C'mon, Ted. Y'know I'm tryna cut down on the smoking." I try and give him the cigarette back.

"It'll help your nerves." He smiles.

"Fine." I strike a match and light the cigarette. The smoke calms me down.

"Better?" He asks.

"Much, thank you." I smile.

"It feels like a Blue Point day," Teddy says, helping me up.



When we open the door, we see familiar faces. Chris Chambers. An angry Chris Chambers, too. My body starts to get hot. It didn't help that it was like 983736625152769420 degrees outside. His gaze stared daggers into my soul.

"On second thought-" I went to turn around. Teddy pulled me back.

"Nope. We're making Coke floats and thats that." Teddy directs me to a booth.

"Theodore DuChamp, Chris looks like he's 'bout to murder someone. I would much rather spend my afternoon in my bed." I say, taking a quick glance at Chris, who's still giving me the death glare.

Hey Sunshine - C. Chambers //discontinued//Where stories live. Discover now