"𝒟𝒾𝒶𝓂𝑜𝓃𝒹 𝐸𝒶𝓇𝓇𝒾𝓃𝑔𝓈"

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I open my eyes. I have to get ready for school. I take the pins out of my hair. The waves look good, but they're not me. I slide into my baby blue skirt and white shirt. I top the look off with a pair of worn out white converse. My peach backpack slides onto my back. I grab my lunch.

"I'm off to school." I yell at Ace. He groans. I walk out the front door where I'm met by Teddy. 

"Hey, Peach." He smiles. 

"Hey, Teddy." I rub my eyes. We walk off to school.

+~* Time jump *~+

I walk over to an empty table. Everyone's staring at me because I'm Y/N Merrill. I sit. Chris is the first to join me.

"Hey, Y/N." Chris smiles. 

"Hey, Chris." I mess with my necklace. Teddy joins us.

"Hey, Peach. Didn't think you were the type that wore frilly skirts and diamond earrings." Teddy raises his eyebrows. Chris looks at my ears.

"Where'd you get those?" Chris asks. 

"My mom." I sigh. I hadn't spoken of my mom in years. She left me with my dad even though she wanted to take me. She was unable to take me with her. She left me with some of her stuff. Then, she went. 

"So, we meeting at the treehouse?" Teddy asks. I snap out of my little trance.

"Yeah." I take a drink of my water. I hadn't even noticed that Gordie and Vern had sat down.

"What's with the necklace, Peach?" Teddy asks. I blush a little.

"Someone gave it to me." I smile.


"A good friend." I sigh. With that, the bell rings. We all get up and go to our lockers. The rest of the day zooms by fast. 


After school--

I begin making my way to the treehouse when I feel a hand on my shoulder. I jump a little. 

"Sorry if I scared you." Chris's voice comes out from behind me.

"It's fine." I smile. I look at Chris. He looks at me. Our gaze is broken by running into something. That something is Ace. His eyes widen.

"Chambers, what are you doing running around with my little sister?" His voice is infuriated.

"Ace, please. We were talking about an assignment that was unreasonable." I look him in the eyes.

"You better stay away from her, Chambers. You'll be sorry if you don't." Ace looks at Chris. We continue on our way to the treehouse.

At the treehouse--

Chris and I walk up the hill, talking about the Mickey Mouse Club. Teddy and Gordie are standing by the tree.

"Hey, Peach." Teddy waves.

"You didn't have to wa-" I get cut off.

"Vern locked us out." Gordie interrupts. I run up the ladder and knock.


"If you let us in, I'll kiss you." I offer. He instantly lets us in. The boys run over to the ladder.

"Teddy! Stop looking!" Chris exclaims. I forgot I was wearing a skirt. Fuck.

"Hey, dipshit. Stop looking before you get too excited." I look down at Teddy. He knows exactly what I mean. He looks away.

+~* Time skip *~+

"How are you so good, Peach?" Teddy questions. 

"Ask Ace, he taught me everything I know." I smirk.

"I'd rather not." Teddy looks at me. I giggle. Teddy's face has a pinkish glow to it. I look at my watch. It reads 7:26 pm. 

"I gotta go." I frown. Teddy's smile goes. 

"I think I'll walk with you." Teddy suggests. I smile and nod. He opens the door and climbs down the ladder. I follow. 

"You better not have looked." I giggled.

"I didn't look. I swear, Peach." He looks at me. I smiled. His face is a darker pink than it was before. He grabs my hand. By this point, he was practically a fire truck. We walk to my house. 


"Bye Teddy." I smile.

"Bye Peach." He lets go of my hand. I kiss him on the cheek. Now he's a tomato. I wave and open my door. 

I walk inside my home. It seems as if I'm the only one. I go into my room and slide my skirt off, then my shirt. I grab my Yankees sweatshirt and slide it on. I search for a pair of shorts. I found a pair of spandex and slide them on. 

"Damn Peach, you put Annette to shame." 

"WHAT THE HELL TEDDY?" I screech. 

"Nice tits." He winks. I roll my eyes. 

"Get. Before someone sees you." I push him away.

"Ok. I'll be on your front porch tomorrow, waiting." Teddy smiles. I watch as he walks away. I plop on my bed, waiting for Ace to arrive. 

I hear the front door open. 

"Ace?" I question.

No response

"Ace? Is that you?"

No response.

I get up, questioning what the hell is going on. I don't see Ace. Rather, I see Chris. I make a confused look.

"Chris. What are you doing?" I ask. He grabs my wrist. 

"What the fuck are you doing?" I screech. He looks at me.

"Why'd you do this, peach?" Chris's voice rang out. 

"Do what? Also, don't call me Peach. Only Teddy can call me that." I started to get scared.

"Teddy. This was his fault." He looks angry. He reaches his hand towards my neck and pulls the necklace off. 

"I thought you loved me."

"I-I" I stutter. Suddenly, he reaches for my neck again. But this time, he chokes me. I lose my breath.


"AAAAAAAHHHHH!" I scream and fall off my bed. I get back on my bed and cry. The words still rang throughout my head.

"I thought you loved me."

I was a terrible person. I looked over at the daisy that Chris had brought to me earlier. It was starting to shrivel up. Just like us. I thought. 

"What the hell, Y/N? Are you alright?" Ace opens my door.

"I'm fine. It was just a nightmare." I sigh. He nods and I lay back down.

What am I going to do.


-Olive 🍑

Hey Sunshine - C. Chambers //discontinued//Where stories live. Discover now