Chapter 30

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I pace my bunker hoping that everything is going to be ok then vent shade flys across the floor once again. "Y/n?" Minho's voice calls "Come on we have to go". I dive under my bed and put the vent shade back over the vent before I start following Minho and the rest of the group through the vents.

We get out of the vents and we are now in a back hallway. "We have to get Teresa" Thomas says. "Ok I'll meet you at the back door" Aris nods. "I'll go with him" Winston says.

Sirens start going off as we run through different corridors trying not to be seen. "Of course they have bloody alarms" Newt says.

We find Teresa in a separate med room. We wake her and smash a window to make a quick escape. We arrive at the door and Aris and Winston are nowhere to be seen.

"Thomas we can help you" Janson says from behind us with a bunch of soldiers by his side. Minho frantically slides the guards ID through the reader but the door doesn't open. "Thomas! It's not working" he yells.

Thomas points a gun towards Janson. Janson raises his hands "Put the gun down Thomas, we're on the same side" he says. Thomas rolls his eyes "Yea let me guess, WCKD is good". Another sick grin appears on Janson's face " Your not getting through that door Thomas" he says.

We've stopped trying to open the door with the ID it had clearly been disabled but behind us the door swishes open to reveal Winston and Aris. "Hey guys" Aris says proud of him self.

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