The Day Off (partially)

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ship: ot7 and ot7

requested by- johnnyafluffball

are you all still alive after especially the UP version. we knew they were prince but seeing them in that concept wasn't expected, though we should have expected it from the intro.

 we knew they were prince but seeing them in that concept wasn't expected, though we should have expected it from the intro

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anyways, this is the very first request I am posting on this book.

I hope you all like it. though I am posting this a day long, I hope its length would make up for it....


Heeseung, jake and sunghoon were sitting inside the bedroom trying really hard to hide their jealously as the other member of the hyung line was always busy with the maknaes.

They aren't jealous because the maknaes are with him they are jealous because jay's train of thoughts doesn't move ahead of them. Since the break of dawn till he falls asleep, he is looking after every need of the maknaes, which definitely isn't a wrong thing but can someone remind him that they are there as well.

"hyunggg" sunghoon wined. "Don't get me wrong—I love sunwonki and I respect that Jay takes care of them. But I am also younger than him, so why I don't get those showers of love????"

"Did we promote the "Jay is the 02's maknae agenda too much" that he forgot the reality", huffed Jake as he agreed with his former best friend.

Heeseung thought how they all came from being a debut team to this. Now they aren't just members but also boyfriends. He still remembers how nervous they were in the start, but after getting things of chest everything started falling into place. They slowly but surely started loving the rest 6 equally, though they may have a bit of personal bias for knowing each other longer.

"HYUUNGGG are you even listening", 02's huffed together. When sunghoon realized that heeseung is now broken out of his thoughts, he took that as cue to continue "I sometimes miss when I had all the attention of Jay back when we....we.... were together", he gestured using his hands.

Before Jake could get him wrong Heeseung added, "he doesn't regret being boyfriends with you but misses Jay's attention that he earlier had all to himself. I guess he doesn't like getting a taste of his own medicine". Now it was heeseung's chance to sulk.

This had really immediate reaction as no one can reject a cute Heeseung, maybe no one except Jay who is already immune to it, as the other 2 immediately wrapped themselves around their hyung enjoying the silence. Their minds were off the jealously for once.

Jake broke this silence for a moment, "can you ever tell us how we got together and how you realized that you 3 want to include us in your relationship??" milk and carrot nodded before they heard a shout, "WE ARE LEAVING HYUNGS....DON'T leave our precious Jay hyung to do all work by himself or we won't share food". Followed by this they heard the door shut.

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