Acceptable losses

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"Testing, testing for the 200th time this is John Murphy

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"Testing, testing for the 200th time this is John Murphy." Murphy said over the radio, "Testing, testing this is John Murphy and Dorothea Sinclair looking for Colonel Diyoza."

Thea looked up, "Dorothea really?"

Murphy then handed Thea the radio and said, "Well you can blow things up better than you can fix them."

"This Colonel Diyoza what do you want?"

Murphy walked back over to Thea, "Who is a damn good engineer."

"You are." Murphy said as he kissed the top of her head.

Thea rolled her eyes and handed him the radio, "Be strong, direct, unrelenting, if all that fails give it to me. I've had experiences with threatening people over a radio."

Murphy glanced down to McCreary then back at the radio and said, "We have McCreary, you ever want to see him alive again you give us Raven Reyes."

"You should've learned the last time you held my people hostage that I don't negotiate with terrorists."

Thea took the radio and said, "Hi I'm Thea Sinclair, that's funny coming from you last chance Raven for McCreary I will not hesitate to slit his throat open."

Murphy looked impressed as he said, "You are better at this than I am."

"I know." Thea said

"May God have mercy on his soul."

Thea sighed, "Well, that couldn't have gotten any worse, call me when he's awake I need air." Thea said as she walked out of the cave

. . . . . . .

Thea was sitting on the end of Emori's bed whilst she was teaching Emori to wire, "So what are you going to do about Murphy?" Emori asked

Thea shrugged, "I can't keep doing this, I barely see him he doesn't come to meals. He's pushing me away Emori. I can only think of one thing to do."

"Do you want to do that?" Emori asked

Thea shook her head, "Of course I don't, I love him. But I can't keep doing this, I am not sitting outside that room for any longer. He's had the chance to talk to me but he hasn't taken it he's avoided it instead."

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