How we get to peace

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Thea, Raven, Emori, Echo and Murphy were sitting in the church where the rest of Diyoza's prisoners were

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Thea, Raven, Emori, Echo and Murphy were sitting in the church where the rest of Diyoza's prisoners were.

"I can't believe you helped cure them." Echo said

Murphy nodded over to one of the Eligius men who was coughing violently, "Take it easy. That guy look cured to you? Maybe it didn't work."

"Of course it worked, Raven built it." Emori said

Echo nodded, "Exactly a war is coming and see rejects every possibility to weaken the enemy."

"What is your problem!" Raven snapped

"Quiet, we're still on the same team right?" Murphy asked, "Right?" Everyone nodded, "Good then we're agreed we kill the pilot then we pop off these collars and run like hell."

Raven shook her head, "No."

"Now what?" Echo asked

"If we can slip the collars we don't have to kill him besides he's more valuable alive." Raven said, she turned to Echo, "As a spy you should know that."

Echo raised her eyebrow and said, "What I know is a dead man can't fly a ship or fire missiles at the people we love."

Thea ignored Echo and said, "Valuable how?"

Raven slightly smiled at Thea as she said, "Intel, we need a distraction to escape right? According to Shaw this place is a civil war waiting to happen."

"Just like in Arkadia with Kane and Pike." Thea said

Raven nodded, "Exactly, McCreary's people hate following Diyoza they only did it in space to survive, but up until then McCreary was the alpha dog."

Murphy turned to Raven and said, "Shaw told you all this?"

Raven nodded, "You want to weaken the enemy, what's weaker than an enemy at war with itself?"

Echo shook her head, "It's not that easy, war has a way of healing internal divisions."

Murphy then stood up as Raven said, "If they were soldiers I'd agree but look at them."

Sinclair (3)- 𝓣𝓱𝓮 𝓗𝓾𝓷𝓭𝓻𝓮𝓭Where stories live. Discover now