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Thea was escorted into the dining room of the palace and she sighed in relief when she saw Murphy sitting on one of the chairs

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Thea was escorted into the dining room of the palace and she sighed in relief when she saw Murphy sitting on one of the chairs.

Murphy stood up as soon as he saw her, ran over to her and hugged her, "You get out or they let you out?" Murphy asked

Thea pulled away and said, "Miller lifted a knife, I got us out. Are you okay?"

"Are you okay? Russell said if I didn't get Josephine he'd kill you." Murphy said

Thea nodded, "I'm fine. I promise."

Murphy looked down at her leg and said, "Where's Monty's device?"

"Red light again. Russell gave it to one of their mechanics but Monty made it so it should be fun to see if they can actually fix it." Thea said.

. . . . . .

Half an hour later a waiter walked into the room and put a tray of food in front of Thea and Murphy, "Enjoy."

"Come on you know you want some of that." Murphy said

Thea sighed and said, "They tied us to stakes John, they were gonna burn us alive. And you still want to play house with them? What about our friends? or family? Raven, Emori"

Murphy nodded, "Yeah this is how we save them. Think about it everyone's just trying to survive even Russell. We just need to make him see that it's in his best interest to keep all of us alive in our case forever."

Just then the door opened and Russell and Josephine walked in, "Get ready for the naming day celebrations." Russell told his daughter

They stopped in front of the table and Josephine said, "Get Priya to do it."

"She's an engineer, not a party planner and besides she's working on something." Russell said

Josephine turned to Russell and said, "Have you been to one of my parties?"

"Fine I'll get Priya to do it." Russell said

Josephine nodded, "Good. Now if I spend one more minute like this, I will spontaneously combust from the shame."

Sinclair (3)- 𝓣𝓱𝓮 𝓗𝓾𝓷𝓭𝓻𝓮𝓭Where stories live. Discover now