Bonez Emelia and Grunt

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Steve opened the door and stepped out and walked to the kitchen.
As Steve walked into the kitchen Bert was there playing with Bonez and Grunt with cocoa beans and seeds, in which looked like a gambling game. They didn't notice Steve until he sneezed,

"IN THE NAME OF NOTCH!" Bonez said, jerking up from the table shocked at the sound, his seeds bouncing everywhere, "Oh, hello! I got quite a fright! My name is Bonez, nice to meet you and your name?" He inquired.

"Call me Steve." He said politely, shaking Bonez boney hand.

Grunt stood up and said,

"My name is Grunt I'm a zombie, and, well, I don't bite only if I'm starving, but I'll never bite my friends, but I'll get other Mobs to BITE THE DUST AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHA." His whole body shaking," AHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAH-ahah huh humm mmm." Noticing that everybody was quiet and he was the only one laughing, "Oh well, I tried." Sitting back down.

"Now where is those supplies that you raided? Oh wait, EEMMEELLIIAA!! COME MEET STEVE!" Bert shouted up the stairs, "She is probably brewing some potions with the supplies I think."



Bonez nodded and Grunt just looked at Bert.

"Where did you raid?" Steve asked.

"Gunning, nice little place with brewing its number one way to get cash. They have every supply you would need." Grunt replied, "And we need potions and splash potions to be able to poison enemys, have amazing abilities and so on."

"How do you do it?" Steve was suddenly interested.

"Well, there is a stand and you can put three glass bott-" but Grunt was cut short when Steve smiled. "What?"

"I meant raiding! Do you have any special equpitment? And special abilities?" Steve asked.

"Yes we do in fact, we are all armoured up with iron swords and a bow, Bonez special weapon, and he has the important bit, he shoots flaming arrows in the opposite direction of where we were raiding, and all the chaos goes there."

"Yes," Bert said nodding,"After that, we all commando style sneak around its walls, people and dogs to reach point one, the blacksmith."

"Then?" Steve prompted.

"Bert teleports inside the blacksmith and grabs the loot and comes back out, and he has to catch up 'cause the rest of us are heading for point two, the bank." Grunt said, with elaborate hand gestures.

"Yes, stage two, we make some ladders up the back of the bank and get on the roof, and climb jump down into the chest room, this is Emerlia and Bert loot whatever we can and Bert holds on to Emerlia teleports up to the roof, grabs everybody and wa-la! Home just in time for tea." Bonez finishes.

"Ahh-hah! Thats dinner!" Grunt said jumping from the table to the oven." Steak, potatos, carrots for the main meal, cookies and milk by the fire in the living room, for desert, bon appititè!"

"Grunt is an amazing cook, he knows where food is at every turn, its a good skill to learn." Bonez whispered to Steve.

"I'm glad!" He replied back.

Grunt served the hot meals and it looked fantastic, but, Steve looked at the steak, and remembered the cow when he was going to slaughter it for a pleasure.

"Hey Grunt," Steve asked politely,"Do you mind if you could whip up some fish? I don't want to offend you, but when I was on a plain, there was horses and I needed a saddle, long story short, there was some cows and, one of them guided me to some leather from a hungry spider."

"Sure! No problem, actually! Its done!" Grunt said.

"That was quick!" Steve said.

"I have my ways." Grunt winked at Steve.

"I'm glad!" He replied back.

A creaking noise had started and a weary teenager, around eighteen with a purple hoodie, and blond hair, pale skin had just entered the room.

"Emerlia! Sit, sit, this is Steve, Steve, this is Emerlia." Bert introduced.

"Hello." Steve said.

"Hi." Emerlia replied.

"TWO FOUR SIX EIGHT, BOG IN! DON'T WAIT!" Grunt shouted with half a potato out of his mouth.

They all laughed and started to eat.

Day three.

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