The Beginning

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The sun shone down at its highest point, draping the countryside in its golden glow.
Across the land was lush trees and grassy plains that stretched for kilometres.
In the distence was a jungle, the towering trees overlooking the landscape.
But it wasn't the same... It was pixelated...


"We can't have another war!" the king fumed, "Those Mobs and the Leader must be playing a trick so they can come and tear us apart again.What did the letter say? Can you repeat the letter again Ermond?"
The kings assistant mumbled shyly:

Dear King

This is a warning to the people of your kingdom
On the night of the New Year,
A hidden enemy will come, ripping your kingdom apart,
Destroying everybody it sees.
We would help you, but our Army of Creatures would get nervous coming to your Castle, we all know how our history has been.
We know what the enemy is capable of...
Trust us on this
Good Luck
~The Leader

"Hmm" said the king, "There are two things that confuse me on that letter, one, who is the enemy? And what are they capable of? Two, if The Leader was going to raid and destroy my kingdom, why would they tell us to prepare?"

"Sire, should we warn the people about this?" Ermond spoke nervously.

"Not yet Ermond, we need to plan our defence first, call all the Generals of the first to forth leagions. Tell them to arrive at 6pm tonight."

"Yes Sire."
The secretary hobbled away to run his duty.
The king watched until he was out of sight, he thought, I think I'll go for a walk, it would do the world of good.
He walked out if his mighty doors, servents ran around to do his or her duty saying "Good Evening Sire!" accompanied with a bow or curtsy.
He sighed. Why do I feel like there is something missing, a piece of the puzzle, not yet compleated.
He strolled down the streets smiling and waving to the people as if he didn't have a worry in the world.
Suddenly a little girl was running up to him, a purple flower in her hand.
He grinned as the girl clumsly curtsy,
"Whoops!" He said as the girl got her feet muddled up and triped in the process "Got cha!"
She blushed and handed out the purple flower.
"Thank you little one! Run along now!"
The girl giggled and skipped along to join her friends again.
The king sighed happily.
"This, this is life."


Thousands of blocks away, in a little clearing, was a man, lying dead still, not moving,
A hungry wolf was circling him. It gave the man a quick nudge with its nose,
"GAHHH" the human shouted, suddenly awake.
The terrified wolf wimpered and sprinted into the forest, tail between its legs.
"Wait! Don't go!"
The cuboid man said,
"Ohh man, my head hurts, I only remember my name I think it is Steve, I don't remember anything other than my name, but, where am I?"

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