The Journey

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Steve woke up violently to the sound of a chicken clucking.
Still dazzled with sleep, he stood up and packed his items,

"Water, food, tools, blocks, crafting table and furnace, torches and wait, I need a helmet!"

Steve had read about if you didn't wear a helmet you would be consided a enemy. If you did, you mean no harm.

He walked out the little cave, waved it goodbye, and climbed down the mountain, ready for adventure!
When Steve reached the bottom, he decided he HAD to kill a cow, otherwise not wear a helmet and that would be risky. Steve walked on to the plain, and headed towards the cows grazing the grass peacefully.
He slowly pulled his sword from his belt, and walked to the nearest cow.
Lifting his sword above his head, pointing it face down at the poor cow, but something stopped him, the cows big black eyes were the cutest thing but, it was moving its head right it was a simple gesture, and Steve saw what the beast was pointing at.
Two dead cows from a spider that attacked them last night looking for a beefy feast. There was one piece of meat that the spider didn't eat and five pieces of leather, floating.
Steve retrieved his crafting table from his pocket, placed it down and read the recipe.
After a few minutes, Steve had crafted a helmet and donned it on, he was very proud of himself and decided to choose a horse.
He chose a brown nutty colored horse with white spots on him.
Steve smiles happily as he put the crafting table away and thanked the cow.
The cow looked like it was smiling after not being slaughtered.
Steve walked another 20 blocks arriving at his chosen horse, which looked up lazily and continued munching the grass.
He offed the horse some seeds and the animal ate gratfully.
Steve asked the horse nicely,

"Do you mind if I just saddle you up and off we go?"

The reply back was a soft snaut and Steve took it as a yes.
He plopped the saddle on the horses back tightening the girth strap and patted the animals wet nose.

"Nneeigh" the horse said

"Its ok boy, just a saddle, you want some more seeds?"

He fed the horse some seeds and looked at the sky, midday, MIDDAY! Thats a perfect name for a horse!

"There there Midday, its ok."

Steve noticed then when he said Midday, the horse looked at him.
Steve hopped on Middays saddle and off they went at a brisk pace.
After a hour or so, Steve and Midday stopped for some water, food and seeds.

"Don't worry boy, there is a village in a few thousand blocks, wanna show me how fast you can go Midday? We could arrive there tonight, maybe, or early tomorrow morning, lets go!"

Steve jumped on the saddle and gently pushed his heels into the horses belly. Midday whinnied and shot forward like a arrow from a bow, and Steve had to hang on for dear life as Midday was racing on.
As the sun set below the ground and the stars gobbled up the rays of gold, Steve and his horse were arriving at the walls of the village, under a huge mountain, looking at a desert.

"Stop!" shouted a nearby sentry "Please report to the GateMaster near the gate."

"Thank you Sir!" Steve shouted.

Steve trotted Midday to the gate where the GateMaster said asked him a couple of straight forward questions,

"Are you a resident here" he asked


"Do you have access to explosives such as TNT?"


"Are you a creeper in disguise?"

"What? No way!" Steve said, remembering the green monster in his book.

"Ok, you are free to enter, any misbehaviour, and you will be thrown in the Cell for a day."

"Understood" Steve said.

As Steve walked through the gate holding the reins of Midday, he saw the best sight he had ever seen, streets with poles with a glowing cubes on the top, small houses, big houses, farms, shops, it would be all alive tomorrow, but now, he needed sleep, and he was a bit saddle sore too.
Steve spotted a inn named B&B with a picture if a knife, fork and a bed. He knocked on the door three times and a elder man opened the door,


"Hello, sorry to bother you, but I'm looking to stay here for a day or two? If thats ok."

"Yes yes, put your fine horse in the stable, there is fresh hay and carrots awaiting him, and yes, we do have a free room available." he gestured to the stable.

Steve thanked him and moved his horse to the surprisingly clean stable.
All set, Midday began to snore immediantly, Steve grinned, Midday was the best.
He draged himself back to the little inn, walked into his room, and fell asleep.
He was awoken a few hours earlier by a unhumanily poof and before him was a tall black creature with purple eyes.
The creature talked in a deep, deep, voice.

"Steve, I need to talk to you."

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