That was close!

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"EuahhhAUhauHauah." Steve yawned.

The sun was peeking over the horizon, waking up the people and telling the monsters of Minecraftia to sleep.
He walked out of the little inn and into Middays stable, munching on a particular crunchy apple.

"Hey boy! Had a nice sleep?"


"I thought you would say that, c'mon, we are going to look around before Bert comes."

He saddled up Midday and pulled him by the reins down the main street. The stores had just opened and sleepy people had woken up, rubbing their eyes, pointing, and setting up their stores for a day.
Most of the people were putting out their produce, but some were walking and pointing at a wall.

"Well, something happened last night, I hope it wasn't about Bert."

He sprinted over and luckily it had nothing to do with Bert.
It was a notice:

Hello fellow citizens of this realm.

Please don't panic, but a unknown enemy is planning siege on my kingdom.

Every man over 17 must join the army as soon as possible.

Your King, Artimus Duncan.

"Oh oh," Steve said looking at the guards that were motioning all the men over to the Sign-Up stand. "I'm going to have to join the army, unless, I back away slowly, and run."

He walked back, slowly, slowly, slowly,

"Hey you! Stop right there!" called a nearby soldier.

"Uhh," Steve thought, "See ya later."

He jumped on Midday and rode down the main street and skidded into the next street loud noices of angry people and the sound of hoofbeats followed Steve as he darted left and right, finally ending in a narrow avenue with two tall buildings either side. Dead end! Steve was planning to turn Midday around and bolt when he noticed a sign, this was Aimstreet Avenue!

"Oh dammit! This is Aimstreet! Bert hurry up!"

As the sounds of soldiers were drawing closer, a muffled voice cried out,

"Psst, Steve! Do as I say! Quickly!!"

"Yes! I will!"

"Ok, walk forward two blocks and say "Two five three two." Got it?"

"Yes" Steve replied, "What about Midday?"

"Leave him there! He will be fine I hope, just hurry!"


Steve did as he was told, and a stone block quickly slided out from its position and a trapdoor was in its place insted.
He opened the trapdoor and jumped down a ladder.
The room was very small, with book shelves and a table. In a corner of the room, was Bert.

"Bert?! What are you doing here?!?"

"Its my secret hideout!"

"Why do you need a hideout?" Steve asked.

"Well, long story short. I have a hoarding problem, and, I come here sometimes to steal precious blocks- SHH!!" Bert suddenly shouted.
Steve listened as soldiers voices and footsteps echoed overhead they stopped abruptly as they noticed Midday, guarding the enterance.

"This is his horse!" a soldier said quite loudly.

"He must of left him here and ran away, diverting the attention away from him." another one hollard.

"Over here!" shouted another.

"Gee, that was close!" Steve whispered to Bert, "Oh man, I hope Midday is OK!"

"I'm sure he will be fine, we must quickly go up so we can teleport with him." Bert said.

They slowly crept up the ladder, Berts Iron sword and Steves stone sword were glinting mischeviously in the morning sun.
Midday was happily eating a few deserted hay bales and when the two friends approached the horse, Midday gave them both a sleepy look and kept munching.

"Well, Midday is fine, its the only thing I'm happy about right now!"

"Ok," Bert said, "To the Cottage in the Trees!"

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