The Plan

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Steve plopped himself down on Berts sofa and asked,

"What, is the plan Bert?"

"The plan is, you will be dressed up as a soldier and you will travel as a soldier with other soldiers, to the Kingdom, tell the King about whats going to happen, or," Bert held his hand up, "you travel secretly with all of us, and tell the King with us."

Steve considered this as he slurped on the scrumptious mushroom stew.
After a while Steve looked Bert in his deep purple eyes and said,

"Lets do this all together." Steve smiled.

Bert, Emerlia, Grunt and Bonez, looked at with apsolute appreciation of the man, then all realised something and silently agreed.

"Steve, come, you need your markings." Emerlia gently pulled Steve along the hallway, past his bedroom, Berts and infront of him was a hidden button.
Emerlia pushed the button and two blocks slid up. The room infront of them was leaves, sunlight shone through the gaps, in the middle was a Armour Stand, on the stand was a red helmut. Infront was a item frame with a book in it.
Emerlia ushered Steve to next to the item frame, the crew was infront.
Bert stepped forward,

"I hearby decree, Steve, a official member of our group, you may wear the helmut."

Emerlia rushed to the helmut plucking it from the stand, and putting it on Steves head.
Bert said tapping Steves shoulder,

"Thanks Steve for joining us today, even though you have been with us for a while."

Steve looked up and said,

"Bert, thanks for rescuing me from the Kings guards."

"Steve, that's ok."

"Ahemhem," Grunt interupted, "Uhh guys, we seem to have some company."

"Oh no," Bonez said "This is the village we attacked last! I reccognised some of them!"

Steve ran over to the window and looked out, dozens of people held fire sticks, and were advancing on the Cottage.


"Damn right." Steve murmured.


Well! I updated! :D

Ok ok, heres a heads up, the people are actually people, they have minecraft skins, they are not villiagers.


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