13 (Dead man) pt 2/2

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Continuing....On dead man....

"Rin?! RIN? RIIN!?"

Hyuga tapped his shoulder and slightly shakes to see if he's awake. Yet the poor boy could not wake up.

   Aida without hesitation runs to the scene as Hyuga continues to calls Rin's name out. The referee follows from behind to see what's happening with player 16.
All the players on the court stand frozen in shock what just happened in a split second, trying to recall what they seen.

Then Kagami and Kuroko dashes to Rin's side and look above to see a motionless body in front of him.

Kagmai: Rin?..

Aida goes on her knees next to Rin's body and examines him if he's breathing. But her eyes widen in shock as she felt his wrist.

The coach turns to her side to the man that elbowed Rin hard.

Aida: You! Where did you hit?

"...All remeber taking the rebound ball- then i see him taking a blow on my elbow...." Otsubo tries to re collect his memories as clear as his mind can from this sudden event. However Kagami grits his teeth and steps in.

"Y-you..!" Kagami mutters however Hyuga comes in to stop him to go any further.

Hyuga: Kagami! Stop.

"Coach...is he okay?" Kuroko asked as Aida silently looks back at the unconscious teamate.

Aida: I..don't know.....I have to see if there any thing broken first..

She gets up and looks to the some of the nearest players that are surrounding Rin and her.

"Let's carefully carry him to the side..."

   Like that there was a quick break as the team carries Rin's body back to their side of the bench and the other team goes back to their side. Even if there an emergency break. Everyone in the stands didn't leave for any breaks because they were eager to to see what will happen next. As they are all on the edge of their seats and many murmurs and stares are all on the unconscious Rin. Waiting for what to happen next.

"Kise. Are you okay?" Kasamatsu looks Kise to examines closely to the Serin's group and back at the empty court.

Kise: There's something familiar about this...I just can't put my finger how.

Behind them( Jakob)

'Oh crap oh crap! Is Young master Chikara okay?!.....nah...he'll be fine.......on second thought if he really does die...boss is going to kill me too...you better survive young brat!'



Takao:..'Everyone's quiet..' Hope he's okay.....I saw the blow captain did on Rin..I think I even heard a few bones cracks.

Otsubo: Not helping Takoa..

"Whaaa? I'm just saying what needs to be said." He raises a brow as Midorima looked away.

"What really happen?" The coach stands up and faces the captain.

".........." Otsubo glances back at Seirin's bench who has a unconscious man lying on the floor.

"...Should we call an ambulance?" One spoke up while Aida is on her knees and examining Rin's unconscious body.

"We'll see ...after I check with Rin's chest for any bruises. Or broken bones.." She continues to take glances at Rin.

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