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[Everyone including the Rin will speak Japanese]
Tokyo airport-

Kagami: Eleven.... hours... being cramped up with that guy... I will make you suffer Rin.

Rin: Oh come on it wasn't THAAAT bad.

Kagami: You started to provoke me.

Rin: More like tease.

Kagami: ...In Japanese.

Rin: ...And he was an American. He thought I was just having a conversation with you.... wait a minute.. Big Red?

"There's something going on over there." Kagami points out.

   The two glances at the entrance seeing a large group of crowd of people and many were murmuring in them. But in the middle of it there were a couple of men covered with tattoos trying to be pushed out by the security guards.

"Sir I would kindly ask for you to leave."

"Hey let go we're here to pick up the our bosses son."

"Yeah we can't leave until he's here!"

"Please leave!" On of the guards yelled.

"Or what? You mess with us. Your going to lose your jobs from our boss."

Kagami: Looks like trouble.

Rin: hm..And I don't want to be a part of it- oh no...

Kagami: What is it?

"Ne Kagami-Kun.... do you have a ride?" He pop in front of Kagami's face and blocking his view of the crowd.

Kagami: Since when do you call me that?

Rin: Do you have a ride yes or no!?

He smiles nervously.

Kagami: Well I'm taking a cab.

Rin:  Great! I'm coming with yo-

"Gotcha!" a hand chops gives a blow above the back of Rin's head.

Rin: Aaah- whos the idiot that did that?! ..

He rubbed his head and turns around to see a tall young age with long black hair that loosely in a low pony tail. He placed his hand on his hip and scoffed.

"Oh come now, idiot?" The man smirked as Rin slightly jumps back away.

Rin: Jakob?! Oh god it's you..

Jakob: That's not how you treat your elder's moron.

Rin: ..You're not even that old!

Jakob: Not even a hi?!

Kagami: Who's that?

Jakob look to Kagami and whistles.

"Whoa~ You're so tall! Are you friends with this guy??" He points to Rin.

Kagami: Basketball friend.

Rin nods.

Jakob: Basketball huh? Well it's good knowing you but I'm here to pick up this young man here.

"The hell you are." Rin adds but before he could add more..

"YOUNG MASTERR!" The other 2 men from the entrance started punching the security guards out of their way. Then started to run straight to Rin. Hugging him to death.


He pushes them off but he got so off guard he failed.  Meanwhile Kagami just stands there and with a questionable look on his face.

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