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"Rin, are you sure you'll be okay by yourself in Japan?" The old woman asked her grandson.

" Yea Yeah I will." The boy scratched his head as he nods to his grandmother.

"Well... ever since your father died I just can't help it to see you off too...."

Rin: I'm not a kid any more. I'll be fine.

"If you say so ...oh! And don't forget to call me when you land."

Rin: Yes grandma. Now I gotta go. I don't want to be late for my flight.

"Bye sweetie and say hi for your mom for me."

Rin:.. will do

The boy headed towards the gate and handed his ticket to the flight attendant.

Fight attendant1: Umm m-m-ister-

Rin: *I speak Japanese.*

Fight attendant1: [Japanese]Oh well that make every thing better.

She smiled happily.

Fight attendant1: Can I get your number sweetie?

Rin: I'm 16.

Fight attendant1: Oh?... that's even better.

Rin:..We're still in the US.

Fight attendant1: Hehe...say why don't you join me at the first class seats. I can get you inside.

Rin: No thanks -can I go now?

Fight attendant1: wait wait what about I can get you a nice place to stay?

Rin: I don't even know you-

"Hey excuse me could you hurry up there's a line behind you." A man spoke in english.

Rin: [English] Oh I would love to go if this frickin b*tch won't let me g- Big Red Kagami?

Right infront was a familiar Red Giant.

Kagami: Rin?

Both: What are you doing here?

"Hey! Can I have a meeting to get to do hurry up!"

"I have kids here. Hurry up!"

"Stop flirting with the flight attendance!"

Rin: You can kiss my a**! F*ck your meeting! F*ck your kids and I'm not even f*cking flirting with the lady her-

Kagami: Here's my ticket lady.

Rin: Oi! Big Red!  Let go!!

He drags Rin into the gate and lets him go.

Kagami: you're welcome.

Rin: Can people even chill.

Kagami: What are you doing here? Aren't you suppose to be with Alexandra back at the basketball court.

Rin: Oh no that lady tired to kiss me. No way man she's been up my a** with me. But besides that I'm transferring schools. So why are you here?

He began to grab his 2 luggage's towards the plane following with Kagami besides him.

Kagami: I'm here as the same reason as you.

Rin: Getting away from Alex?

Kagami: No! I'm also transferring schools.

Rin:... this cant be a coincidence.

Kagami: Hmm must be.

Once they entered inside the plane the flight attendances began to whisper to each other.

Fight attendant2: He's very tall...

Fight attendant3: Oh my...the other is also cute... never knew guys with white hair can be so attractive~

Rin: Hate to break up the mood but we can hear you ladies I think you should be a bit quieter.

Fight attendant3: So?

Rin: Also we're 16.

Fight attendant2: That can be arranged.

Rin: 'Oh my god what is up with this staff!'

Kagami: Ignore them.

The pass the attendance and down into the many seats right before them.

Kagami: Where's your seat?

Rin: Right there.

Kagami: ..I'm on the same row as you.

Rin: ....You know what... I think it is a coincidence. What school are you transferring too?

Kagami: Senirn.

Rin: Huh.... GUESS we'll be there as first years then.

Kagami: You got to be kidding me..

Rin: You can't escape me Big Red.

Kagami: Enough with the nicknames you've been bugging me with that for a few months.

Rin: Well that's the first thing that came in mind when I first met you.

Kagami: Yeah for a few months-

Rin: I call dibs on window seat!

Kagami: Oh come on!
Before he could actually sit there he decided to stand up.

Rin:.... Actually you can have it Kagami.

Kagami: Wait, seriously?

Rin: Yeah man, you were here first and I want to make a new impression do myself to you.

Kaigami: Wow thanks.

Once he sits on the window side he looks back at Rin but who was still not on his seat but with smile on his face.

Rin: Oh Sir! you can have the middle seat.

Kagami: Wait what?

Random chubby man: Oh Thankyou very much!

He began to sit in the middle side of the seats and started to squish Kagami up to the window side. Once he settles in he started to place his headphones on to his ears.

Kagami:...[Eye glared to Rin]

Rin: [Smiles] hehe

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