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A few minutes of silence finally is over when Sebastian stopped the car and turn to Rin.

Sebastian: We arrived to your moms estate Master Chikara

Jakob: No pressure.

Rin: Wonderful...oh Sebastian leave my stuff here.

Sebastian: Yes sir.

When the butler opens the door for Rin he expected a big crowd of his mother's goons. And he was right. Gangsters, delinquents, bikers, gamblers, and even drug dealers. As they all line up in two lines that are parallel to each other from the limo.


Just as in sync as they were they all stand in attention.

     With Rin just sighed and casually walked down the line.

  He glances as a handful of men with tears running down. Rin raises his brow but continues to walk ahead. Then at the middle he sees some of them with weapons on their side and metal bats and crowbars over their shoulders and trying to get very intimidated. And the rest of them were confuse he was and oddly stare at the pale figure going closer to the Japanese style mansion- a Minka.

Rin took a deep breath and ignored the crowd and listen to the wind and the tune of the wind chimes echoing with the breeze and the smell of the greenery that was displayed at the front. However Rin stops and cringes.

   A long draped confetti banner with ribbons coming down written in Japanese.

🎊Welcome home 🎊

Rin:.....Great ...the Welcome Committee is here now..

"Um y-oung mm-master... you- yo- you-your-" a man behind him walks up and starts to shake in Rin's presence.

Rin: Oh cut with the crap I don't bite Larry.


Rin: Ok


Rin: I said okay. Did you hear me right? You deaf man??? Or do I have to knock some senses in your small teeny tiny mind? HUh??!

Larry: I'M SORRY Rin!

He started to bow down many times to him and extending the suit to Rin.

Jakob: Young Man your mother doesn't like waiting.

Rin: *Tch* Yeah.. I know.

  He grabbed the suit right out of Larry's hands and walked into the building.

Larry: Omg HE IS A TOTAL BAD ASS! So cool!

He can fanboyed as he jumps up and down at the fact he meets his idol again.

Touma: geez...

Eiichi: You gotta admit thou. He gives you the vibes and I like it.

Touma: Go f*ck yourself.

Eiichi: Will do.

Jakob: Okay guys! *CLAP CLAP* Get back to what your doing!

When Rin went into the dressing room to get changed he noticed a picture of his mom and some kind of man next to her.
Once he was finished he walked out of the room and saw one of his mom's goons out in the hallway.

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